Scout Songs
A well-paced song keeps a hike on track. An active cub scout song keeps boys and girls interested at a big pack meeting. Songs are great entertainment in the outdoors when there are no electronic gizmos around. Just like a camp fire is the camper's TV, campfire songs are the camper's radio. Make sure your scouts have lots of opportunity to learn and use a variety of songs in your scouting program.
End the day of hiking, swimming, and exploring with a bright, cheerful campfire and don't forget the songs. Scouts tend to be shy to start singing, but with leaders willing to go first and start things, they enjoy loud, silly, energetic songs especially at night when its darker and they feel a little anonymous. Have your leaders learn a couple new ones and try them out on the scouts. When new boys or girls join a troop, ask them if they have a favorite cub scout song or two and maybe they can share it with the troop.
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