This Song is meant for Scouts BSA, Webelos scouts.
Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger scouts or not.
Comments: Oct 09, 2013 - sharon vincent
I always loved this song! I sang it over and over to my brothers & sisters when I was little, over 60 years ago. And now i am singing it to my grandchildren. It is a timeless classic!
Dec 15, 2013 - Kiff Egle
All Sports Day Camp, Chalmette LA Early 70's version
Great big gobs of green greasy gopher guts
Mutilated monkey meat
Horse's head and piggy feet
Vultures vomit, while hanging from a tree
And me without my spoon.
But I a gotta piece of bread.
Feb 26, 2014 - Robert
I think the following version is more like what I remember as a child (and is a little more sing-able):
Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts
Mutilated monkey meat
Dirty turdy birdy feet
All wrapped up in pussy pukey piggy teat
And I forgot my spoon
Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts
Scabby sandwich, puss on top
Vulture vomit, camel snot
Deep dish boogers bouncing in a bowl of fat
And I forgot my spoon
Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts
Maggot eyeballs mashed in glue
Beaver bungholes boiled in poo
Baby batballs bobbing in a bowl of barf
And I forgot my spoon.
Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts
Dessicated dino dung
Mascerated mynah lung
Tortoise turd balls filled with flitty flies inside
And I forgot my spoon (and fork and knife!)
Feb 26, 2014 - Donna Goodwin
My brothers, sister and I learned a similar version of this at church camp. I use to sing it to my kids when they were being picky eaters and I heard my son singing it to his instant daughters the other day...loved the giggles!
Mar 01, 2014 - Dawn Roberts
I love this one! I sang it for my son's den the other day n the boys laughed so hard!
Apr 09, 2014 - Sesilia
Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts
Mutilated monkey meat
Doody little pigeon feet
All mixed up in puddle of poisonous opossum puss
And me without my spoon
And me without my spoon
And me without my spoon
Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts
And me without my spoon
We'll use a straw!!!
Slurp, Slurp, Slurp!!!
Oct 27, 2014 - Harry Madison
this is the way I sang this song to by sons when they were younger. We would add different "great big gobs of..." but this is our version.
Great big gobs of juice gross gopher guts
Simulated monkey meet topped with baby parakeet
French fried eye balls soaking in kerosene
Sucking it all up with a straw M'Mmmmmm Good
Jan 17, 2015 - James Payne
The one I know is:
Girls are made of greasy grimy gopher guts
Chopped up birdie feet
Fried old eyeballs rolling down the street
Swimming in a pool of blood
I forgot my spoon
Mar 02, 2015 - JB
Our church camp version, circa 1975 in West Virginia:
Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts
Mutilated monkey meat
French-fried parakeet
All wrapped up in all purpose porpoise puss
And I forgot my spoon
[I brought my straw]
Apr 10, 2015 - mandi
I always heard this one... great big globs of greasy grimy gopher guts mutilated monkeys meat petrified frogs feet all topped off with evaporated vomit slop and (someone's name) without a spoon!
Jul 25, 2015 - Malaly
I love this song it really is the grossest bestest song ever you need to add But I got
a straw! Slerp!
Sep 16, 2015 - Patrick
I came here looking for all of the lyrics I forgot from
scout camp circa 1981. Thanks. Just shared them with
my y-guides tribe. A classic.
Sep 23, 2015 - Sarah
This is the one I
Great green gobs of
greasy grimey golfer guts,
mutilated monkey meat, little
turdy birdy feet, french fried
eyeballs floating in a pool of
blood but I forgot my spoon. So
they gave me a scab sandwich,
mustard on top, eagle eye balls
and a camel snot. All these
things were mixed in a pot so
they gave me puke with sugar on
Oct 21, 2015 - Rush
And here's the version I learned over 50 years ago:
Great green gobs of greasy, grimey gopher
Chopped up little birdies' feet,
Fortified with monkey meat;
All mixed together with Aunt
Jemima's pancake mix;
Won't you have a bite?
Yes, indeed, I might!
Oct 31, 2015 - Edie Jacobsen-Barber
I read all of these versions and my grandson Quincy
stated "they were throw up". My granddaughter
Annabelle stated "they were poo,poo and poo.". And I
personally think these rhymes are totally awesome like
big chunks of fart and me without a spoon!
Jan 10, 2016 - Mykiera Murray
This was our verison when i was a kid
Greasy grimey spoon full of guffy
guts,little turdy birdy feet,mussy mussy
mussy meat,french fried eyeballs swimming
in a pool of blood,oops I dropped my
spoon yum yum.
Feb 28, 2016 - Don Keele
We always added the tag line. I had a straw
Apr 15, 2016 - Kathy Stickney
We always added in chant "Regurgitate, Regurgitate, Regurgitate the food you ate" at the end before singing it again.
Aug 04, 2016 - Pam Dooley
Boys are made of:
Greasy, grimy gopher guts
Concentrated monkey
Itty bitty birdie feet
Eyeballs, eyeballs rolling down the
muddy street
And I forgot my spoon
But I brought my straw (slurp)
Sep 01, 2016 - mary
I relished reading each and every lyric above. Pass them on! Kathy (above): Our chant was "Regurgitate, regurgitate, gotta get rid of the food you ate".
Sep 30, 2016 - hi
I love this song! Except in my version
instead of hairy pickled piggy feet, it was
chopped up baby birdie feet.
Oct 31, 2016 - hannah
my mom always sang it to me as:
Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts, mutilated monkey butts, little birdies dirty feet. French fried eyeballs floating in a pool of blood, and me without a spoon. But I got a straw!!! *slurrrrrrp*
Feb 12, 2017 - Sanma
North Carolina version I learned. Great big gobs of greasy grimy
gopher guts, mutilated monkey meat, dirty little birdey feet. Two
green eyes go rolley polley down the street and I forgot my
spoon.......but I brought my straw....(big slurping sound)
Jun 30, 2017 - penny Szafran
I learnt this song when I was in the Brownies. We sang it differently. It went: great big gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts, mutilated monkey meat, itty bitty birdie feet all mixed up in eyeball juice ate without a spoon. my dear old spoon.
Sep 22, 2017 - Debora Neiland
This is the song that we sang 50 years ago: Whole gob of
gooey gopher guts, Chopped up monkey meat, percolated
birdies feet, all mixed together with eewwy gooey golpher vomit
and you forgot your spoon, slurp slurp.
Nov 07, 2017 - dana
great big blobs of greasy grimy gopher guts mutilated monkey meat even little birdie feet and im gonna eat it all
May 07, 2019 - Sharon Piaskowski
The one I learned 55 years ago went like this:
Boys are made of
greasy grimy gopher guts,
Chopped up monkey meat,
Little dirty
birdy feet,
French fried eyeballs,
mmm! what a tasty treat,
with vomit sauce.
Blahhhhhh!!! (simulating throwing up)
Jan 01, 2020 - Fuzzbean
We used to sing this on the school bus in the 1970's... the
boys and girls would alternate, roaring opposing versions of
the song back and forth. Elementary school, of course!
think it was all a conspiracy to head off teen pregnancies.
Jan 19, 2020 - Charles Bodnar
That song is just fine for singing around a cub scout or boy
scout camp fire. No problem its just a goofy camp song. I
sang it 70 years ago and it was fun then and now. HOWEVER
considering the feminizing of boys and the NANNY state of
mind its likely just horrible to some kids.
Boys need to be
goofy at times and a camp fire is just the place.
Jan 23, 2020 - Old scout
Don't remember if I learned this on the playground or at scouts:
Great big gobs of ewwy gooey gopher guts,
marmalated monkey meat, little birdy's dirty feet.
Tons and tons of all-purpose porpoise meat,
floating in contaminated milk, with a rusty spoon.
Apr 19, 2020 - Justwow
My God, I've had the line 'dirty turdy
birdy feet' in my head for over 40 years.
Thought I was going insane. Thought there
were other lines to it but never knew.
I've forgotten so much of my childhood I
misplaced this memory completely. Now
reading the origins and all you who know
the history and veriations of lyrics, it
helps me understand and reconnect with
some lo g forgotten times. Absolutely
sick and disgusting lyrics there days.
Exactly the stuff you'd hear at camp or
school bus ride field trip. Where has the
time gone. Man, thanks.
Apr 26, 2020 - Dave
I think that Bill Murray used "Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts" in the
movie "Meatballs", arguably the most factually accurate summer
camp movie ... ever.
Apr 27, 2020 - Kris Bilbrey
We sung a song similar:
Here we sit like birds in the
birds in the wilderness,
birds in the
Here we sit like birds in the wilderness waiting to
be fed.
They feed us greasy grimy gopher guts, chopped up baby
parakeet, French fried eyeballs rolling in a pool of blood.
forgot my spoon, I will use a straw. (slurping sound.)
May 29, 2020 - Linton
Thank you so much. I learned the first line in the '40's, Don't
know if I ever learned the second line. Final, line "and me
without a spoon" comes to me still. All those variations show how
much it was loved.
Sep 13, 2020 - Nrsbologna
In the early 70s we had:
Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts, mutilated monkey meat, granulated birdies feet, one full quart of all purpose porpoise pus, floating in the pink lemonade!
Dec 22, 2020 - Rocky
Vancouver,BC. This was mine as a kid...
🎶 A great big ball of
greasy grimy gopher guts, chopped up monkeys nuts, Itty bitty
birdies feet, all rolled up in a big ball of snot, too bad forgot my
spoon 🎶
Feb 06, 2021 - Corey from CT
Even though I didn't go to boy scouts, my second grade teacher taught it to us and I even remember the few lines she changed and that was around 1990.
She skipped the 1st first line of the second verse and picked up the tempo greatly.
This verseshe changed a bunch of lines
Scab sandwich
pus on top
doggie doo doo
camel snot
monkey eyeballs stuck in glue Yum Yum Yum they're good for you
Apr 03, 2021 - Al
My babysitter, Vida, used to sing it to us back in NJ, but it was ,"Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts, mutilated monkey meat, little birdy's stinky feet, all wrapped up in purple plated porpoise puss and I forgot my spooooon!" Good times, hahaha
Apr 15, 2021 - Tim Ryan
mushy gushy gofer guts, mutilated monkey meat, little birdies
turdy feet all mixed up in pinkish purple porpoise puss. in school
this was your response to the question "what you got for lunch"
late 60's early 70's. Massachusetts, I heard this from 1st through
6th grade.
Sep 09, 2021 - H.W
I learned it as
great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts, mutilated
monky feet, choped up baby birdy feet, one half pint of all purpose porpus
pus, floating in pink lemonade! and you eat it with a spoon!
Sep 12, 2021 - E. Martin
I learned this in the
scouts in the mid 70's but
we added this to the
Oops I forgot my
Throw up all the food
you ate regurgitate
regurgitate blah.
memories, it's great to see
it is still active.
Oct 29, 2021 - Carol Olson
As a speech language pathologist, I love this song for teaching the R and
S sounds. Kids love it, parents grow to hate it, but the kids practice
their sounds!
Jan 08, 2022 - Terry
We used to always sing it a little different (about 40 years ago)
"Great big globs of ewey gooey gopher guts,
Mutilated monkey's meat, little birdy's dirty feet.
Sneezed up snake snot, bashed in beetle brains,
Me without a spoon... but I got a straw.
Feb 15, 2022 - Diana Lydical
It was: Great big gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts,
major mounds of marinated monkey butts,
chopped up bits of itty-bitty parrot feet. and YOU forgot your spoon!
Feb 16, 2022 - Brandy
I always knew the lyrics to be:
Great big gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts
Marinated monkey meat
Little dirty birdy feet
Petrified porcupine...
And me without a spoon. But I've got a straw! Yummmmm!
Feb 21, 2022 - Catherine Severson
Our version was
Great big gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts, marinated
monkey meat, chopped up birdie feet, all mixed up in aunt
Jemima pancake mix , eat it without a spoon
Mar 27, 2022 - Drew may
I heard from my dad for years green greasy
grimmey gopher guts mutilated monkeys meat
little birdies dirty feet i left my spoon at
Apr 05, 2022 - Emery
My wife tried a new recipe last night and all I could think of was
'marinated monkey meat'. It was one of her few failures, but thanks to
old songs from childhood, I got through it okay, and now I know the right
words, which is good because now it's stuck in my head.
Apr 14, 2022 - Berry!
I'm really, really old, but for us the lyrics were:
Great green gobs of greasy grimey gopher guts,
mutilated monkey meat,
itty bitty birdy feet.
Fresh fried eyeballs rolling down a bloody street,
thats what I had for lunch! - I can hardly wait for dinner!
Aug 07, 2022 - Scott
From Tucson circa 1970:
15 tons of greasy grimy gopher guts,
little birdies’ dirty dirty
Marinated monkey meat
15 Tons of greasy grimy gopher guts
And me without a spoon…
But I have a straw.
Oct 15, 2022 - Craig
I love all the variations! The one we sang in scouts (circa 1977-79ish) was: Great green gobs of greasy grimy gopher guts, mutilated monkey meat, chopped up baby parakeets, French fried eye balls dipped in a bowl of barf, and me without a spoon - it's almost noon. Rats!
Nov 11, 2022 - Anne
We always added Slap it on a plate, For a dollar ninety-eight, at Walgreens Drug Store.
Dec 21, 2022 - Jim
I must be very old, I remember circa 1960s…. Hordes and hordes of greasy grimy golphurs guts
Marinated monkey’s feet
Little tiny birdie’s feet
And I forgot my sooon.
This is the only part of the song I ever remember singing…….
Dec 23, 2022 - thom meinhold
In 1963 my area our troop sang:
Great big globs of greasy, grimy gopher guts,
Mutilated monkey meat, dirty little birdie feet.
French fried eyeballs swimming in a pool of blood..
And I forgot my spoon!
Jan 15, 2023 - Shannon
I came by, hoping to find an old high school band singing song
("Balala of Shalala"), but found SO many variations of other fun
songs instead! Back in the 1970s, our city's 6th graders Safety
Patrol would go to Washington DC on an annual spring trip. After
MY group went in 1977, we revised the last line of the 2nd verse
to call out the horribly nasty food at a DC cafeteria-style
restaurant that fed all 350 kids n chaperones dinner for 4
Great green gobs of greasy, grimy gopher guts, mutilated monkey
meat, little dirty birdie feet, all topped off with ventilated
vulture vomit, and I forgot my spoon.
Everybody now! Cheeseburgers, blood on top. Chicken livers,
camel snot. Put it all together and what do ya got? Lunch and
dinner at the Holloway Shop!
PS: Bill Murray used 'great green gobs' in "Caddyshack". But
"Meatballs" ranks in my personal top 10 movies of all time!
Mar 22, 2024 - Steve jelley
I’m 51 and the one I remember was this?
Girls are made of greasy, grimy gopher, guts, chopped up monkey
meat, percolated birdie, feet, French fried eyeball swimming in a pool
of blood too bad forgot my spoon, but I got my straw
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