Scouting Rank Advancements
Every rank in scouting is reached by accomplishments by the scout. These requirements are age-appropriate activities that help grow and mold the boy or girl into a self-sufficient, confident, able adult. Themes run through the requirements from the beginning Lion to the Eagle. For instance, when Wolf scouts cook cookies with their paents, that begins to train them to cook for their patrol as a Life scout. And, when Tiger scouts visits a police station, they begin learning how to be a model citizens.
Many scouts and adult leaders are so busy planning and participating in their present program that they don't notice the whole scouting trail. That is actually fine because the entire trail is laid out and they should be concentrating on the activities at hand. The potential problem is when a leader does not see the value in an activity and decides to reduce the requirements - that cheats the scout later down the trail.
Use these pages to learn the rank requirements for each scouting advancement. Of course, we would love to hear your new ideas or suggestions - Contact Us
Lion Requirements
Tiger Requirements
Wolf Requirements
Bear Requirements
Webelos Requirements
Arrow of Light Requirements
Scout Requirements
Tenderfoot Scout Requirements
2nd Class Scout Requirements
1st Class Scout Requirements
Star Scout Requirements
Life Scout Requirements
Eagle Scout Requirements
May 01, 2015 - Debbie Burrell
Aug 07, 2016 - Bill Robinson
Jan 23, 2018 - Troop Mom
I could use some help with organizing non-Eagle rank Boards of Review for our Troop. At present our boys look for parents to conduct BoRs on the spot at the end of a troop meeting. This isn't working out very well.
How does your troop do BoRs?
Jan 27, 2018 - Jane
Jan 30, 2018 - Lisa Knutson
I am a Grandma raising two grandsons one is a wolf and the other a Webelos and I have no clue how to start the Duty to God we don't belong to a church but we Do believe in God and have Faith. Please email me with any help you can offer.i have a learning disability so please email me with step to step information.
Thank you so much
Sincerely Lisa k
A grams with no clue lol.
Feb 01, 2018 - Troop Mom
Great ideas! I will take those back to the Committee :)
I really appreciate the suggestions!!
Feb 01, 2018 - Troop Mom
I believe the requirements have changed since my Scout was a Wolf and Webelos, but I did find some good information on this site. Check out these links:
For Wolf:
www.boyscouttrail.com/cub-scouts/wolf- duty-god-adventure.php
For Webelos:
www.boyscouttrail.com/webelos/webelos-duty-god- you-adventure.php
I'm not sure what you could do in place of earning a Religious Emblem for your faith. You may want to ask your Packmaster for some guidance?
Feb 01, 2018 - Troop Mom
Sorry the links I listed may not work, they seem to have an extra space when I pasted them.
1. Scroll to the top of this page
2. Click on Cub Scouts
3. On the Cub Scouts page scroll down until you find Wolf Info 2nd Grade and click on that link
4. On the Wolf Resources page scroll down to Wolf Rank Requirements and click on c.Duty To God Footsteps
5. Follow the steps on this page.
For Webelos:
1. Scroll to the top of the page and Click on Webelos link on the left hand side of the page.
2. Scroll down on the Webelos Scout Resources page to Webelos Rank Requirements and click on b.Duty to God and You
3. Follow directions listed on that page.
Again, I'm not sure what to recommend in place of the Religious Emblem, hopefully your Packmaster can help.
Feb 02, 2018 - Jane
"Complete requirement 1 or 2 plus at least two others."
So you can choose to do requirement #1 OR #2
Plus at least two others (pick any two requirements from #3-#6).
What this means is that earning the religious emblem of your faith is an option - but it is not required in order to complete this adventure.
Here is a link to the current requirements (they were modified effective December 2016):
Feb 02, 2018 - Jane
"Complete requirement 1 and at least two others."
Here, the Scout must do requirement #1
And at least two others (pick any two requirements from #2-#4).
Here is a link to the current requirements (they were modified effective December 2016):
Feb 02, 2018 - Jane
"Complete requirements 1 and 2 and at least two others."
Here, the Scout must do requirements #1 AND #2
And at least two others (pick any two requirements from #3-#6).
Here is a link to the current requirements (they were modified effective December 2016):
I hope this helps!
May 29, 2020 - Dauda Bangura
Jan 07, 2024 - luckysamantha802
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