Why Cats Land on Their Feet Story
This Story is meant for Scouts BSA, Webelos scouts.
Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger scouts or not.
Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger scouts or not.
Long ago, cats weren't much different than other animals. But, there was a very wealthy king whose beautiful daughter, the princess, loved cats. She always asked her father for a cat as a birthday present, Christmas present, any occasion at all.
Soon, the castle with overflowing with cats of all kinds - tabby cats, persians, tom cats, alley cats, every sort and they were everywhere. The princess had actually acquired all the cats in the world! And, those cats continued to reproduce in the kingdom.
The castle guards were frustrated because the cats always were in the way on the walls, around the gate, and on the paths.
The guards came up with a clever way to get rid of the cats. They invented the catapult. Then any cats they could catch in the middle of the night would be catapulted over the castle walls way out into the woods.
Now, the castle walls weren't so high that the flight through the air and subsequent landing killed all the cats. Some landed on their heads and of course were goners, but a few landed on their feet and survived. Those that survived found their way back into the castle to live on.
Over time, there became more and more of those that landed on their feet while the others were weeded out, and that is why all the cats now land on their feet.
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