Scout Skits
Give your Scouts BSA and Cub Scout meetings a new spark - throw in some new, funny skits that kids love. A short skit will wake up the audience and keep the scouts interested. These cub scout skits are funny, free, and easy to use so get your boys and girls involved and having a fun time. Take these skit ideas and scripts and raise the laugh level of your scouting or youth meeting.
Feb 20, 2019 - Jeff Leese
I'm trying to remember a skit we did at church camp that started "We ain't got the money for the mortgage on the far." That's all I remember. Can anybody add more to it?
Mar 04, 2019 - Scouter Paul
@Jeff - Maybe you mean this one?
Nov 26, 2019 - Elissa
I had a written script for “Turkey Contest” but lost it. It’s about 4 “turkeys” trying
to win a contest but little do they know the prize is being someone’s Thanksgiving dinner. Anyone wrote one?
to win a contest but little do they know the prize is being someone’s Thanksgiving dinner. Anyone wrote one?
Feb 13, 2023 - Nate
Where is Tankity Tank I saw it over the summer where
is it now
Feb 15, 2023 - Scouter Paul
@Nate - It is Here.
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