Resources for Cub Scouts, Webelos, Arrow of Light, and Scouts BSA
Cub Scouts - everything about Cub Scouting
Lion Cubs, Tiger Cubs, Wolf Scouts, Bear Scouts
Fun Cub Scout Magic Tricks
Webelos - everything about Webelos
First Den Meeting Ideas
Parent Meeting Ideas
Arrow of Light - everything about Arrow of Light
Scout Joining Study Aid
AoL to Scouts BSA Transition Tips
Boy Scouts - everything about Scouting
Schedule to First Class in One Year
Eagle Scout Information
Merit Badges
Outdoor Code, Scout Aims, Scout Law, Scout Oath
Activities - advancement-supporting activites for all levels of scouting
Advancement Trail - learn requirements for each rank from lion scout to eagle scout
Awards - learn about the often overlooked awards your ambitious scouts can earn
Ceremonies - add fun and meaning to presentations of advancement and other milestones.
Games - find games for scouts to play. Categorized by activity level, age, and group size
Graces - Graces to use at scouting meals.
Jokes - jokes, riddles, and tricks for scouts.
Projects - conservation, community, and eagle project ideas for scouts.
Recipes - good meals to prepare on scout campouts
Skits - find fun, entertaining skits and stunts categorized by age level and skit type
Scoutmaster Minutes - short stories and thoughts to give everyone something to think about.
Songs - songs to keep things lively.
Stories - find stories to tell around the campfire. Categorized by type and age level
Uniforms - learn proper uniforming requirements and badge placement guidelines
Forms and Documents - a collection of useful forms and aids
Online Tests - self-checking of knowledge for rank advancements before the 'real thing'
Organizations - dens & packs, patrols & troops, districts, and councils
Our Schedule - our group's schedule of how we achieved our ranks. Free templates.
Our Progress - our group's current progress towards eagle scout. Free templates.
Adult Info - Useful Resources and links to other web sites.
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Just for Fun: Socializing merit badge

This site is not officially associated with Scouting America
Find more Scouting Resources at www.BoyScoutTrail.com
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