Life Scout - red badge Ceremony
This Ceremony is meant for Life scouts.
(ensure the Star candle is lit before proceeding. Have a current Life or Eagle scout light it if no Star advancement happened this day.)
The last rank before Eagle Scout is Life. Few Scouts advance this far in scouting and most that reach it have been in scouting for more than 9 years. They have demonstrated leadership, service, and citizenship in many ways as they earn the right to wear this badge.
(Call scouts and parents forward)
The red heart of the badge is a constant reminder of the fine things you have received from Scouting, and of the fine things you carry in your heart as a pledge to Scouting and your community.
The heart shape of the badge is symbolic of courage. This badge will remind you to have courage in challenging yourself to reach further than you think you can and to use what you've learned in Scouting - the Scout Oath, Law, motto and slogan - in your everyday life and as you work towards the rank of Eagle Scout.
[Scout name], do you have the courage to continue your Scouting career, and to work to meet these high standards in your life?
(if using a candle) Light the Life candle to signify your courage in living the life of a true scout and your willingness to lead others up the trail.
As a Star Scout, you've worked hard to pass along your knowledge, experience and leadership skills to other Scouts in your troop. Without you, your troop wouldn't have developed as well as it has. I'm proud of the effort you've put forth and of your accomplishments in Scouting.
The last rank before Eagle Scout is Life. Few Scouts advance this far in scouting and most that reach it have been in scouting for more than 9 years. They have demonstrated leadership, service, and citizenship in many ways as they earn the right to wear this badge.
(Call scouts and parents forward)
The red heart of the badge is a constant reminder of the fine things you have received from Scouting, and of the fine things you carry in your heart as a pledge to Scouting and your community.
The heart shape of the badge is symbolic of courage. This badge will remind you to have courage in challenging yourself to reach further than you think you can and to use what you've learned in Scouting - the Scout Oath, Law, motto and slogan - in your everyday life and as you work towards the rank of Eagle Scout.
[Scout name], do you have the courage to continue your Scouting career, and to work to meet these high standards in your life?
(if using a candle) Light the Life candle to signify your courage in living the life of a true scout and your willingness to lead others up the trail.
As a Star Scout, you've worked hard to pass along your knowledge, experience and leadership skills to other Scouts in your troop. Without you, your troop wouldn't have developed as well as it has. I'm proud of the effort you've put forth and of your accomplishments in Scouting.
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