Arrow of Light Building a Better World Adventure
Adventure Goal: Practice citizenship at the local, national, and world levels.
Adventure Requirements:
Complete Requirements 1-6.
- Explain the history of the United States flag. Show how to properly display the flag in public, and help lead a flag ceremony.
- Learn about and describe your rights and duties as a citizen, and explain what it means to be loyal to your country.
- Discuss in your Webelos den the term "rule of law," and talk about how it applies to you in your everyday life.
- Meet with a government or community leader, and learn about his or her role in your community. Discuss with the leader an important issue facing your community.
- Show that you are an active leader by planning an activity for your den without your den leader's help. Ask your den leader for approval first.
- Do at least one of these:
- Learn about Scouting in another part of the world. With the help of your parent, guardian, or den leader, pick one country where Scouting exists, and research its Scouting program.
- Set up an exhibit at a pack meeting to share information about the World Friendship Fund.
- Under the supervision of your parent, guardian, or den leader, connect with a Scout in another country during an event such as Jamboree on the Air or Jamboree on the Internet or by other means
- Learn about energy use in your community and in other parts of the world.
- Identify one energy problem in your community, and find out what has caused it.
Ideas for Adventure Requirements:
- Basic U.S. Flag information is in the Webelos handbook. Details can be found at usflag.org
- Review the 100 civics questions that U.S. Immigration Services uses for their naturalization test.
- A comparison of the United States and other countries can be found on this interactive map
- Plan this meeting well ahead of time. Meeting at the community leader's work place would be a good den outing. Let the person know what issue you'd like to discuss beforehand.
- Print this budget template for each scout.
- Research your area's energy generation, use, and potential with eia.gov map and energy.gov.
- Common household energy problems can be explored here and energy saving ideas are here.
- Learn about different conservation event ideas at epa.gov.
- Printing this activity plan template for each scout will help them with their planning.
- Use Pen Pals to connect with foreign scout groups.
Den Meeting Ideas for Building a Better World Adventure:
- Use some of these flag ceremonies - Flag Opening ceremony,Flag Closing ceremony,Flag ceremonies,More ceremonies
- Scouts can use these Pledge Intros to lead short flag ceremonies.
- Sing Grand Old Flag song or America the Beautiful song
- Tell I Am Your Flag minute
- Present this Flag skit
- Expand your Flag knowledge at this BSA page or by purchasing the Your Flag book from your local Scout Shop. Then, check your knowledge with this online Flag test. Understand Unit Flag devices.
- Consider working towards the Messengers of Peace award.
Apr 22, 2018 - Ger
I think these are great requirements for scouts
May 21, 2019 - Nancy Boone
I think the boys will be blessed by this information presented
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