Basic Flag Closing Ceremony
(leader assembles color guard in back of room or offstage so they are ready. You may only have flag bearers, 2 or 3 scouts following, 2 in front and 2 behind, or any crisp formation depending on number of scouts in color guard.)
Leader: "Color Guard, Attention! "
Leader: "Audience, Please Rise! "
Leader: "Color Guard, Forward March! "
(wait for color guard to reach the front)
Leader: "Color Guard, Halt! "
Leader: "Scout Salute! Please put your right hand over your heart if you are not in uniform."
Leader: "Color Guard, Retrieve the Colors! "
(wait for flag bearers to pick up their flags)
Leader: "Color Guard, Return to Ranks! "
(Scouts not carrying flags turn around so they are facing the audience. Wait for flag bearers to return to formation)
(US Flag is on the far right facing the audience, then state flag, then troop flag on far left.)
Leader: "Color Guard, Forward March! "
(wait until color guard reaches back of room)
Leader: "Color Guard, Halt! "
Leader: "TWO! "
(everyone drops salute.)
Leader: "Audience, Thank you for joining us. "
Leader: "Color Guard, Dismissed! "
(flag bearers should immediately put the flags away before starting to play with the other scouts. )
Leader: "Color Guard, Attention! "
Leader: "Audience, Please Rise! "
Leader: "Color Guard, Forward March! "
(wait for color guard to reach the front)
Leader: "Color Guard, Halt! "
Leader: "Scout Salute! Please put your right hand over your heart if you are not in uniform."
Leader: "Color Guard, Retrieve the Colors! "
(wait for flag bearers to pick up their flags)
Leader: "Color Guard, Return to Ranks! "
(Scouts not carrying flags turn around so they are facing the audience. Wait for flag bearers to return to formation)
(US Flag is on the far right facing the audience, then state flag, then troop flag on far left.)
Leader: "Color Guard, Forward March! "
(wait until color guard reaches back of room)
Leader: "Color Guard, Halt! "
Leader: "TWO! "
(everyone drops salute.)
Leader: "Audience, Thank you for joining us. "
Leader: "Color Guard, Dismissed! "
(flag bearers should immediately put the flags away before starting to play with the other scouts. )
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May 15, 2014 - Brent Hall (Life Scout)
Thank you for the info, it was very helpful, seeing as I forgot for a bit how to close the colors. Thank you! :)
Jul 19, 2014 - Dean
One of the clumsiest points for our Packs closing flag ceremony is when the flags are retrieved and the flag bearers are returning to color guard formation. The isle is narrow, so the non-bearing color guard do not know if they should make space for the flags to return to the front on the procession or if the flags should remain in the rear? I suspect the former, but I'm not confident. Any advice?
Jul 20, 2014 - Scouter Paul
@Dean - Either way is fine. Or, they can split and have some in front and some behind. Letting the scouts decide which way they want to do it would give them more ownership of the task.
Nov 21, 2017 - Ben Slade
Questions about this:
For the 1st "Color Guard, Halt", where do they halt? In front of the flags facing away from the audience, or behind the flags facing the audience.
Later in the "Return to Ranks" section it says, "Scouts not carrying flags turn around so they are facing the audience". So that implies the scouts not carrying the flags were initially *not* facing the audience. Not sure if that's the same for scouts carrying the flags.
Also, in the "Return to Ranks" section, it says to "Wait for flag bearers to return to formation". When did they leave formation? The author probably means the marching formation.
It's all obvious once you know it, but I think this needs some clarification.
For the 1st "Color Guard, Halt", where do they halt? In front of the flags facing away from the audience, or behind the flags facing the audience.
Later in the "Return to Ranks" section it says, "Scouts not carrying flags turn around so they are facing the audience". So that implies the scouts not carrying the flags were initially *not* facing the audience. Not sure if that's the same for scouts carrying the flags.
Also, in the "Return to Ranks" section, it says to "Wait for flag bearers to return to formation". When did they leave formation? The author probably means the marching formation.
It's all obvious once you know it, but I think this needs some clarification.
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