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AZT Hike Video

I hiked the trail from March 17 to April 28, 2012. The trail is divided into 43 segments and it coincidentally took me 43 days to hike the trail.
This trek was an awesome adventure and a great first long hike. I learned a lot about extended hiking, met some interesting people, and survived desert hiking. I also helped get a few people involved in the BSA ScoutStrong program.
I'm doing the 300-mile Superior Hiking Trail in about three weeks and will be promoting ScoutStrong during that hike also.
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Posted: 13:07 08-24-2012 890
Volunteer Recognition

Besides the plethora of square knots volunteers can earn, there are many other awards available. Here's a bunch which you can find in the Awards section of this site. Any others you know about?
50-miler, BSA Family, BSA Lifeguard, BSA Physical Fitness, Emergency Preparedness, Founder's Bar, Triple Crown, Historic Trails, International Activity, Interpreter strip, James Stewart Good Citizenship, Medal of Heroism, Honor, or Merit, Mile Swim, Ready and Prepared, Trained strip, Hornaday
In addition to these official BSA awards, it's often more fun and meaningful for a unit to create and present its own awards. These are usually silly, but intended to recognize contributions by members. For example, the Golden Steering Wheel for driving scouts to camp every summer; the Citizen Ship (small boat model) for counseling the three citizen merit badges for umpteen years; the Golden Boot for taking scouts on treks.
Any service that folks provide can be recognized. It all depends on how much effort you want to put in and if that effort will result in more motivated volunteers offering up a better program and having fun. If you have extra adult resources in your unit, you might appoint an "Adult Recognition Chair" responsible for coming up with humorous ways to thank volunteers for their efforts. Keep it Fun.
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Posted: 7:57 08-23-2012 889

Also, the Search and Rescue merit badge requirements are up now. It's a lot of 'book learning' with only requirement #9 actually being an 'active' requirement, but the organizational knowledge gained from earning the badge could be valuable if you ever have a lost scout. One requirement is to complete ICS 100 training and there's an online training for it Here.
Pamphlets and patches should be at your scout shop now, or very soon, so scouts can get started as soon as your district/council has merit badge counselors signed up.
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Posted: 8:26 08-20-2012 887
Chief Scout and Technology

The BSA is embracing and managing technology. Cellphones, digital cameras, GPSs, the Internet, gaming systems, and on and on - electronics are engraded in the lifestyles of youth and need to be addressed rathered than just banned in Scouting. There are many BSA social media channels - Patrol Z for example. I bet your council, and maybe district, and possibly even unit have a Facebook page, Twitter page, and website.
I pulled out these parts about technology from the Scouting magazine interview:
Scouting: What else do you plan to do in this role?
Wayne: Introduce technology to enhance the experience for youth as well as remove administrative burdens from leaders and councils so they can spend more of their time delivering the program. There is a high demand for this, and we have a very dedicated team working on it, although it’s a multi-year project.
Scouting: Is technology the BSA’s biggest competitor for gaining kids’ interest?
Wayne: Our national president, Wayne Perry, said in his introductory speech at the National Annual Meeting that he believes it’s electronics. It’s kids staying inside and playing video games. Other people are going to tell you that it’s sports. I think it’s a combination of these things and others.
Scouting: What’s the main argument from Scout leaders against technology?
Wayne: Some leaders don’t think there’s any place for technology within Scouting. They say Scouting is a place where youth should go to experience nature and should not have their devices around. Others think technology is necessary to be relevant. That’s the cultural war we’re in today.
Scouting: What are some examples of ways the BSA plans to use technology?
Wayne: If you come to the jamboree in 2013, technology will be very integrated into the program. There will be an app for your phone that will show you all about the jamboree and where you are, what your schedule is, where to find the different activities. To take full advantage of all this, Scouts will have to bring their mobile devices with them.
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Posted: 8:33 08-17-2012 885
Scout Pen Pals

It's a simple way to get your den, pack, patrol, colony, unit, ... listed and find other groups that want to connect. After you're connected, you decide if you want to exchange messages through the Boy Scout Trail system or use email, text messages, or paper mail.
There's nobody in the database yet, so it will take awhile to start seeing contacts listed. Den leaders that get started now might have some potential contacts ready when school starts and your den meetings get rolling along.
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Posted: 13:15 08-14-2012 884
Visible Scouting

They don't see them when the pack, troop, or crew goes camping.
They don't see them at pack, troop, or crew meetings.
They might see them at an occasional parade.
They probably see them every year selling popcorn, or other fundraising. Next month, lots of units will be sitting in front of stores and knocking on doors, selling popcorn. The community will see scouts in uniform all over the place, with their hand out.
It's a bit sad if that's the only time the scouts are seen.
You and I know that scouts contribute much to communities. They perform millions of hours of community service across the country, but much of it is isolated and under the radar. The local community's perception of Scouting's involvement in the community is important.
Here are a few service ideas that might provide more exposure to Scouting in your community:
- Goblin Insurance - scouts clean up reported messes after Halloween.
- Flag Retirement - collect and dispose of old flags.
- Hydrant Clearing - shovel out neighborhood fire hydrants after big snows.
- School Care - clean the grounds and streets around neighborhood schools.
- School Carnival - some elementary schools have carnivals, scouts could man activities.
- Teacher Help - before the school year starts, help elementary teachers prepare their rooms. (chance to visit with past teachers, too)
- Patriotic Ceremonies - ask town government if they need help on Independence Day, Memorial Day, Patriot Day, Veterans Day, Flag Day, or other patriotic days observed in your community. Scouts can carry flags, be ushers, direct traffic, and other useful jobs.
When members of the community see scouts in uniform, performing acts of service, they get a glimpse of what Scouting is really about. Since most people don't attend unit functions, we need to make an effort to represent Scouting well whenever an opportunity comes up.
Too many people only see scouts when they come knocking on the door, wanting something. Even many helpful drives (such as blood, food, clothing) to help others are asking people to give. Scouts performing service that looks like service makes a powerful impression on others.
There's nothing wrong with making the local media aware of the service. Providing service because it's needed is the important thing. Most service projects are just like that - something is built or fixed and then the hundreds of people that use it have no idea it was done by scouts. That's ok, but it's also ok to make the community aware of what Scouting does.
So, how do you make people aware of goblin insurance, hydrant cleaning, leaf raking, and other assistance you're willing to provide to needy individuals? You might make up troop business cards that scouts hand out to their neighbors when going door-to-door doing fundraising. They could be given only to older residents, or only those with hydrants in their yard, or whatever criteria was required. The card (or just slip of paper) has a list of free services and unit contact info. Of course, you need to have commitment from your scouts that any offered service will be fulfilled. Also, providing free work normally done by local businesses would not be appropriate.
How does your unit get noticed in your community for more than just asking for money? Do you have any ideas to share that are not fundraising and that get scouts noticed?
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Posted: 9:46 08-10-2012 883
Eagle Project $$$ Help

Lowe's has a grant program this year that allows councils to distribute $100 prepaid gift cards to Life Scouts to use on their Eagle projects. The cards may be accepted at other building material stores than just Lowe's, so don't let that stop a scout from applying.
Scouts need to plan their project, complete and submit an application to their council, and hope there are grants left. Maybe contacting the council service center first to ensure the council is participating and has grants left would be a good idea.
It all wraps up on December 31, 2012, to here's yet another reason to get that project done now rather than later.
There's a page on the BSA site with More Info, including an application form.
Scout On.
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Posted: 13:29 08-07-2012 882
Wanna Hike?

I've been hiking about 8 miles each morning and looking around for a long, but not too long, trail to do.
The Superior Hiking Trail is perfect. It's almost 300 miles, close to home, and I've not hiked it yet.
I plan to start walking south from the Canadian border to Jay Cooke State Park in Duluth, MN on Sept. 15 and would love to have some scouts or scouters join me for all or part of the trek. I figure it will take about 2 weeks, give or take a couple days. There's a 10 mile or so section not yet completed just north of Duluth, but the North Shore Trail runs through there and I plan to follow it as a connecting route.
There are about 90 established campsites along the trail, most with latrines, tent pads, firepits, and water source so the camping part should be quite easy. I expect to carry no more than 4 days of food and very little water since there is such easy access to water and resupply points.
September seems to me like a great time to hike this trail:
- Summer heat and humidity is gone. The weather should be cooler and no thunderstorms, but not too cold yet. The average hi and lo temps are very nice.
- No bugs. Mosquitos, ticks, and black flies should all be gone or nearly so.
- Fall colors are changing. This is right around the best time for the show to begin. If I'm lucky, this might be a great year for colors.
- Wildlife. Animals should be very active preparing for winter so I might get to see a lot.
- Fewer people. School will have just started so I should have the trail pretty much to myself during the week with more day-hikers on the weekends.
Besides, my youngest son will be off to college and my wife will be very busy with her first few weeks of teaching. It's a good time for me to be out of the way. :-)
I already have my food purchased and left over from my Arizona hike. I already have all the gear I need. I'm in shape to start. This should be an inexpensive, relaxing trek and a great time exploring part of my own backyard that I've not made time to visit yet.
Interested in joining me? If you are, just send me an email and maybe we can work something out. If you'd just like to join me for a few days, or a weekend, or a day hike, that would be cool. I'll be tracking my progress and blogging along the way so you can just stop and say HI as I walk by if you're in the area.
If your troop wants to plan a hike for a day or overnight on Sept. 21, 22, 23, 28, 29, or 30, just contact me and we can plan something. I'll have a Scout Shop gift card along for any troop that hikes with me - it does get lonely out there. :-)
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Posted: 9:30 08-03-2012 881
Previous PostsComments:
Feb 25, 2023 - Joe Patterson
Just out of curiosity, are the Rockwell paintings  on exhibit anywhere
Mar 16, 2023 - Adam John
Great question Joe! Â Have you checked out the Norman Rockwell Museum in
Stockbridge MA? Â (nrm.org) There is also the Rockwell Museum in Corning
NY. Â (rockwellmuseum.org) I believe the latter has more art. Â Hope this
Jan 21, 2024 - Johnna Downing
The Scouting museum at Philmont, Cimmaron, NM hopefully has the ones that
used to hang at the museum in Irving, TX. Â Good luck. Johnna
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