Bloody Finger Story
This Story has scary parts and is meant for Scouts BSA.
Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger scouts or not.
Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger scouts or not.
Some Scouts went on a kayaking trip one year. On their way home, they stopped at a pizza joint in a small town for dinner. Little did they know that this particular restaurant was close to going out of business because it was haunted.
A year ago, a madman had escaped from prison, killed two guards in a shoot-out, found his way to this small town, and holed up in this pizza place. He had taken the employees hostage for 6 days, but luckily, they all escaped alive. The only death was the madman. During his break-out, he had been shot in his ring finger and it refused to stop bleeding. For 6 days, it bled and bled until he finally bled to death in the men's bathroom.
Anyway, these unsuspecting scouts stopped here for a hearty meal of pizza. They ordered sausage, pepperoni, hawaiian, cheese, and even a vegetarian pizza.
Of course, being the good, clean scouts that they were, they needed to wash up before eating.
The Scoutmaster went into the bathroom. When he reached to turn on the water in the sink, a horrible, groaning voice said, "Oooooooh, my Bloooooooody Fiiiiiiiiiinger!"
This scared the bejeebers out of the Scoutmaster and he dove headfirst out the bathroom window, ran off into the night, and was never seen again.
A couple minutes later, the Senior Patrol Leader went to check on the Scoutmaster. There was no answer when he knocked on the bathroom door so he went in. He heard the same horrible, groaning voice say, "Oooooooh, my Bloooooooody Fiiiiiiiiiinger!"
The SPL dove headfirst out the window, ran off into the night, and was never seen again.
A couple minutes later, an Eagle Scout went to check on the SPL. There was no answer when he knocked on the bathroom door so he went in. He heard the same horrible, groaning voice say, "Oooooooh, my Bloooooooody Fiiiiiiiiiinger!"
The Eagle Scout dove headfirst out the window, ran off into the night, and was never seen again.
(Repeat for Life, Star, 1st Class, and 2nd Class scouts.)
Finally, being the only one left, a Tenderfoot scout went to check the bathroom. By this time, the pizzas had arrived and he was hungry. There was no answer when he knocked on the bathroom door so he went in. He heard the same horrible, groaning voice say, "Oooooooh, my Bloooooooody Fiiiiiiiiiinger!"
He looked around but saw no one.
Again, the horrible, groaning voice say, "Oooooooh, my Bloooooooody Fiiiiiiiiiinger!"
The Tenderfoot hollered back, "Well, put a Bandaid on it!", washed his hands, went back and ate all the pizza.
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