From Pack to Troop Ceremony
This Ceremony is meant for AoL scouts.
campfire setting
This ceremony is for an Arrow of Light scout moving on to Scouts BSA ahead of the rest of the den.
Cubmaster: Friends and parents, scout [Name] is ready to cross over into a Scouts BSA troop. [Name], you have looked forward to this for many years. You have been a good Cub Scout, and a good Arrow of Light scout, and we know you will continue to be a good Scout in your new troop. We are all proud of you.
Denner: [Name], the members of [AoL Den Name] are happy to see you continue on into the troop. We don't feel bad about your leaving because soon we will all be in the troop, maybe even in the same patrol. (The denner leads the den in a yell for the departing AoL scout.)
Den Chief: There are two things, [Name]. First, I want to tell you that I have enjoyed my association with you in [AoL Den Name], and second, I'm glad to welcome you to Troop [number], where we will be able to keep on doing things together.
Cubmaster: Scoutmaster [Name], we now present to you and Troop [Number] Arrow of Light scout [Name], who is eager to be in the Scouts BSA program. We recommend this scout highly. [Name] has been a fine member of our pack.
Scoutmaster: [Name], on behalf of Troop [number], I want to welcome you into the great Scouting family. The scouts tell me that you have been asked to join the [name] Patrol, so I would like to have you meet [name], who will be your patrol leader.
(If this is not known, have the Senior Patrol Leader welcome the new scout to the troop.)
Patrol Leader: I'm glad to welcome another scout from Pack [number] into our troop. We hope there will soon be more of you. We are having a meeting of our patrol [day, time, and place], and we would like to have you attend.
Cubmaster: (Asks the parents of the AoL Scout to come forward.) Friends, we of the pack wish to congratulate you. You have done much to keep your child interested and happy in Cub Scouting, and we appreciate it. I would like to have you meet the Scoutmaster. (Introduces the Scoutmaster to the parents.)
(The pack forms a circle around the Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, and AoL scout.)
In Scouts BSA, you will still have the Scout Oath and Law to guide you, but as you leave us to follow the trail through Scouting, we would like you to renew with us the Scout Oath one more time. (The whole group repeats the promise. The circle then breaks to let the Scoutmaster, patrol leader, and AoL scout out, and re-closes around the Cubmaster. The group faces the AoL scout and gives the Cub Scout salute. The entire group shouts, "Do Your Best!")
Denner: [Name], the members of [AoL Den Name] are happy to see you continue on into the troop. We don't feel bad about your leaving because soon we will all be in the troop, maybe even in the same patrol. (The denner leads the den in a yell for the departing AoL scout.)
Den Chief: There are two things, [Name]. First, I want to tell you that I have enjoyed my association with you in [AoL Den Name], and second, I'm glad to welcome you to Troop [number], where we will be able to keep on doing things together.
Cubmaster: Scoutmaster [Name], we now present to you and Troop [Number] Arrow of Light scout [Name], who is eager to be in the Scouts BSA program. We recommend this scout highly. [Name] has been a fine member of our pack.
Scoutmaster: [Name], on behalf of Troop [number], I want to welcome you into the great Scouting family. The scouts tell me that you have been asked to join the [name] Patrol, so I would like to have you meet [name], who will be your patrol leader.
(If this is not known, have the Senior Patrol Leader welcome the new scout to the troop.)
Patrol Leader: I'm glad to welcome another scout from Pack [number] into our troop. We hope there will soon be more of you. We are having a meeting of our patrol [day, time, and place], and we would like to have you attend.
Cubmaster: (Asks the parents of the AoL Scout to come forward.) Friends, we of the pack wish to congratulate you. You have done much to keep your child interested and happy in Cub Scouting, and we appreciate it. I would like to have you meet the Scoutmaster. (Introduces the Scoutmaster to the parents.)
(The pack forms a circle around the Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, and AoL scout.)
In Scouts BSA, you will still have the Scout Oath and Law to guide you, but as you leave us to follow the trail through Scouting, we would like you to renew with us the Scout Oath one more time. (The whole group repeats the promise. The circle then breaks to let the Scoutmaster, patrol leader, and AoL scout out, and re-closes around the Cubmaster. The group faces the AoL scout and gives the Cub Scout salute. The entire group shouts, "Do Your Best!")
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