Arrow of Light Cutout Ceremony
This Ceremony is meant for AoL scouts.
Lighted Arrow of Light box
awards and certificates
awards and certificates
The Arrow of Light cutout draws attention to center stage. It is made by cutting out the Arrow of Light symbol from the side of a large cardboard box and pasting yellow tissue paper behind the cutout section. A light bulb is placed in the box. (Be careful that the bulb does not come in contact with the sides of the box.) The box can be painted black.
Cubmaster: I would like scout [name] and parents to please come forward.
(when they are onstage, the house lights are dimmed or turned off and the Arrow of Light box is turned on)
AoL Den Leader: Tonight, we honor a scout who has completed the requirements for Cub Scouting's highest award, the Arrow of Light.
[scout name], you have been a faithful member of our Arrow of Light den. Soon you will complete your Cub Scouting career. You have learned the Scout joining requirements, visited the Scouts BSA troop of your choice, and secured a Scouts BSA application. Tonight you receive the Arrow of Light Award. Within a short time you will be eligible to enter the Scouts BSA program.
You were guided in your progress through Cub Scouting's ranks by the Arrow of Light (points to it), which is this emblem. Let this Arrow of Light continue to light your way as you move onward and upward along the Scouting trail.
It is now our pleasure to present to you the Arrow of Light Award, which you may wear on your current uniform. Later, you may wear it on your Scouts BSA uniform. Because your father and mother came up through the ranks of Cub Scouting with you, I will hand the award to them and ask them, in turn, to present it to you.
(Pause while this is carried out)
Cubmaster: I congratulate you for the fine work you have done in Cub Scouting and extend the best wishes of the entire pack to you and your parents as you continue up the Scouting trail in your new troop. Let's have a big cheer for this Scout!
Cubmaster: I would like scout [name] and parents to please come forward.
(when they are onstage, the house lights are dimmed or turned off and the Arrow of Light box is turned on)
AoL Den Leader: Tonight, we honor a scout who has completed the requirements for Cub Scouting's highest award, the Arrow of Light.
[scout name], you have been a faithful member of our Arrow of Light den. Soon you will complete your Cub Scouting career. You have learned the Scout joining requirements, visited the Scouts BSA troop of your choice, and secured a Scouts BSA application. Tonight you receive the Arrow of Light Award. Within a short time you will be eligible to enter the Scouts BSA program.
You were guided in your progress through Cub Scouting's ranks by the Arrow of Light (points to it), which is this emblem. Let this Arrow of Light continue to light your way as you move onward and upward along the Scouting trail.
It is now our pleasure to present to you the Arrow of Light Award, which you may wear on your current uniform. Later, you may wear it on your Scouts BSA uniform. Because your father and mother came up through the ranks of Cub Scouting with you, I will hand the award to them and ask them, in turn, to present it to you.
(Pause while this is carried out)
Cubmaster: I congratulate you for the fine work you have done in Cub Scouting and extend the best wishes of the entire pack to you and your parents as you continue up the Scouting trail in your new troop. Let's have a big cheer for this Scout!
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