This Award is meant for Scouts BSA.
This certification grants a Scout the right to carry (totin'!) and use woods tools.
This is a very important wallet card to have on hand at all times when camping.
There is a wallet card and patch available.
To earn this certification, the Scout must show the Scout leader, or someone designated by the leader, that the scout understands the responsibility to do the following:
- Read and understand woods tools use and safety rules from the Scouts BSA Handbook.
- Demonstrate proper handling, care, and use of the pocket knife, ax, and saw.
- Use the knife, ax, and saw as tools, not playthings.
- Respect all safety rules to protect others.
- Respect property. Cut living and dead trees only with permission and with good reason.
- Subscribe to the Outdoor Code.
The Scout's 'Totin' Rights' can be taken away if the scout fails in these responsibilities.
(In some troops, a corner is removed from the wallet card for each minor infraction. When all four corners are gone, the scout loses these totin' rights.)
The Totin' Chip patch is considered a 'temporary' patch and should only be displayed on the uniform centered on the right pocket, or hung in a temporary patch holder from the right pocket button. It does NOT get permanently sewn on a pocket flap even though it is shaped that way. You may want to check with your BSA council for local guidelines.
Comments: Apr 28, 2014 - Rufus Pearson
Can a young man that has had his totin chip pulled from him get it back and if so what are the rules or steps he has to do to get it back
Apr 29, 2014 - Scouter Paul
@Rufus - The scout should just re-complete the training offered by his troop and demonstrate his skill and understanding of the responsibilities of carrying sharp tools.
It makes sense that he ask the person who took his card what he needs to do to get it back.
Mar 11, 2015 - Alan Rook
I am curious if the patch can take the place of having to carry the card? What is the purpose of the patch?
Mar 12, 2015 - Scouter Paul
@Alan - The patch is, like most temporary patches, to recognize an activity, achievement, or participation of the scout. I know of no scouts that actually wear the Totin' Chip patch.
Mar 15, 2015 - Eddie V.
Two questions: 1) Where can I find official manuals on 'how' to teach both the Totin Chip and Firem'n Chit? Want to be sure we cover everything in enough detail. 2) I have heard in some troops ONLY the SM teaches and signs-off on the awards, some troops the ASMs divide the work, and some troops the older (reliable) scouts teach and sign-off on the younger boys. Is there a hard rule around this or is it up to the troop?
Mar 16, 2015 - Scouter Paul
@Eddie - The information is in the Boy Scout Handbook. It is up to each troop to decide who and how it is presented. There are many sample outlines online, see this page
Apr 17, 2015 - Larry A
How old can the boy being to earn his Totin Chip. I have some boys in the Pack that have pocket knives and do not know how to use them. I told them they are not allowed until you take the class.
May 06, 2016 - Mitchell Chaix
is there a minimum age a scout must be to earn a Totin' Chip I have a scout that is 10 years old just started boy scouts and he would like to sign up for it at summer class?
thank you Mitch Chaix
May 07, 2016 - Scouter Paul
@Mitchell - Any registered boy scout can earn it.
Jul 14, 2016 - Bobby Clary
When a Scout has earned his Whittling Chit as a Bear and has come through AOL he has been
using a pocket knife for about three years. I'm curious, the day that Scout crosses over into a
Troop, does his 3 years of pocket knife experience no longer count? Should he be required to
keep the pocket knife at home for all upcoming camping trips until the opportunity for the
Totin' Chip course becomes available or, should he be good for using his pocket knife but not
for any of the other tools the Totin' Chip allows a Scout to use?
Jul 14, 2016 - Scouter Paul
@Bobby - Good question. I would not let a scout use any tools
until I was reasonably sure he knew how. Just because he got a
Cub Scout card 3 years ago, I would still want him to get
training to our troop's standards before I took on the
responsibility of his safety on a troop outing. Covering the
Totin' Chip training at the first and second campouts in the
spring after new scouts join the troop is a good idea. The same
is true for providing basic training as quickly as possible for
all 'dangerous' things like cooking, swimming, fires, and the
Jan 04, 2018 - Dan
If a Scout looses his chip. not taken away, truly lost the patch does he have to reearn it?
Jan 04, 2018 - Scouter Paul
@Dan - No, he can just buy a new card/patch at the scout shop. I
suppose some scoutmaster might insist he earn it again, but I
don't see how that would be justified. Losing something and being
safe with woods tools are two separate things.
Aug 15, 2019 - Parent of New Scout
My son participated in a summer camp this year. He punctured a hole in his tent with a pole and ripped the tent with his hand. His Totem Chip was taken away from him. The leaders are now saying that he has to wait a year until he can re-earn this. Is this right? His knife was never used, or opened when this happened.
Aug 17, 2019 - Scouter Paul
@Parent - The Totin' Chip is specifically for sharp tools use
and safety, not destructive behavior in general. It doesn't
make sense to me that it was taken away because of what you
described your scout did.
If the leaders say the scout must wait
a year, that is just something they made up - and I have no idea
what their reasoning would be.
I would hope you and your scout
figured out a way to make reparations for the damage that was
done, and then the scout could ask for an explanation of why the
Totin' Chip was taken and why a year must pass. In a strong,
scout-led troop, the discussion should first be between the
scout and the Patrol Leader, then with the Senior Patrol Leader,
then including the Scoutmaster if needed.
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