Tech Chip Award

This is NOT an official BSA award. It was created by Troop 479 in Eden Prairie, MN. The troop has designed a training outline and has wallet cards for purchase - see Tech Chip Training Plan for details, or Purchase Tech Chip Cards.
Some scout units ban electronic devices, such as cellphones, iPods, games, and radios, creating a situation in which adults become policemen, enforcing rules rather than training scouts. These same 'policemen' often exempt themselves from the ban, causing an unfair environment. Some even confiscate devices, putting themselves at a financial risk for that device.
Scouting evolves as technology becomes available. Compasses, watches, GPS, LED lights, and other outdoor gear has improved over the years and scouts have taken advantage of those improvements. As technology continues to evolve and become more and more embedded in every part of our lives, scout leaders need to continue to make use of it. By teaching courteous use, scouts and adults can take advantage of technology to create a safer outdoors experience without reducing the value of the experience for others.
This training and certification grants a scout the privilege to carry and use electronic devices at scout activities. Cub Scouts, Scouts, and Venturers can use the same training and cards.
There is no patch available at this time.
To earn this certification, the scout shows the Scout leader, or someone designated by the leader, that the scout understands their responsibility to do the following:
- Recite and agree to proper use of electronic devices:
- Use only earlier than defined "Lights Out" time.
- Use when it does not interfere with other activities.
- Use when it does not affect others experience, or my safety.
- Assume all liability for the devices I bring.
- Demonstrate placing my device in silent mode.
The Scout's "Tech Privileges" can be lost if the scout fails in these responsibilities.
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Feb 28, 2013 - Heather
Feb 28, 2013 - Scouter Paul
Heather - That's correct, as I blogged it last summer. The Cyber Chip is about online safety, but does not address the general use of electronics, leaving that up to individual units.
May 04, 2013 - MJ
May 06, 2013 - Scouter Paul
Aug 21, 2014 - John Keeler
Feb 03, 2020 - Nancy P
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