Order of Arrow Triple Crown Award

A center patch and five different rocker patches are available for Order of the Arrow members who complete any three of the five available Order of the Arrow High Adventure programs, as long as the adventures are completed at three separate bases. The first patch is free, and an additional patch and rockers can be ordered for a fee.
The adventures are:
- Summit Experience at the Summit in West Virginia
- Wilderness Voyage at Northern Tier in Minnesota
- Canadian Odyssey at Northern Tier in Minnesota
- Trail Crew at Philmont in New Mexico
- Ocean Adventure at Sea Base in Florida
Read more about these great, less expensive high adventures on the OA High Adventure site.
You can retrieve the application form from the OA site.
The OA treks at Philmont, Northern Tier, Sea Base, and the Summit are a great opportunity for Arrowmen to experience the high adventure bases for a reduced price on a special program not available to all scouts. Part of the time is spent performing service for the base and the rest is an adventure trip.
I was fortunate to spend 4 days with two young Arrowmen at Northern Tier while I was on a short training trek there to earn my Leave No Trace Master Educator authorization. They showed me some of the portage work that the OA crews had accomplished and it was impressive. At Philmont, OA crews do trail maintenance. At Sea Base, they do oceanographic work. It isn't your run-of-the-mill service projects - the crew members learn useful skills and accomplish a lot.
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