This Award is meant for Cub Scouts.
RETIRED 2024 as part of complete Cub Scout program redesign. Many awards were redone as elective adventures.
The World Conservation Award provides an opportunity for individual Cub Scouts to 'think globally' and 'act locally' to preserve and improve our environment. This program is designed to make youth members aware that all nations are closely related through natural resources and that we are interdependent with our world environment.
The Cub Scout version of the World Conservation Award can be earned by Wolf, Bear, or Webelos Scouts, but not by Lions or Tigers.
This is considered a 'temporary patch' and should be displayed centered on the right pocket. It can be sewn on or displayed in a plastic patch holder hung from the pocket button.
As a Wolf Cub Scout, earn the Cub Scout World Conservation Award by doing the following:
- Earn the Paws on the Path adventure.
- Select a seed, and plant it in a small container. Care for it for 30 days. Take a picture or make a drawing of your plant once a week to share with your den or family.
- Find out the growing zone for your area and share the types of plants that will grow best in your zone.
- Visit or research a botanical or community garden in your area and learn about two of the plants that grow there. Share what you learned with your den or family.
- Make a terrarium.
- Complete requirements 1 and 2 from the Spirit of the Water adventure.
- Participate in a den or pack conservation project in addition to the above.
As a
Bear Cub Scout, earn the Cub Scout World Conservation Award by doing the following:
As a
Webelos Scout, earn the Cub Scout World Conservation Award by doing the following:
- Earn the Building a Better World adventure.
- Earn the Into the Wild adventure.
- Earn the Into the Woods adventure.
- Earn the Earth Rocks adventure.
- Outline a fair test that shows what you need to do to test a fertilizer's effect on plant growth.
- Carry out the experiment you designed in requirement 5.
- Carry out the experiment again but change the independent variable. Report what you learned about how changing the variable affected plant growth.
- Participate in a den or pack conservation project in addition to the above.
Download or complete this
Application Form
Comments: May 26, 2013 - DL Mike
Does anyone have suggestions or ideas for den conservation project that would be a good fit for this award for a wolf den?
May 26, 2013 - Matt
Most Cubs get this leg of the badge done at day camp.
However, If you have a nature center or a raptor center.Butterfly or Birdbanding works well with wolves.
May 31, 2013 - shawnoc
@DL Mike - A lot of conservation projects are done around earth day (which we just missed), but there are always tree plantings, beach cleanups, etc. that need volunteers.
We searched volunteer match > cause area = environment > suitable for = kids, and found a bunch.
Oct 15, 2013 - Jeff
If my Wolf Den cleaned around all the ponds in our neighborhood (about 8-12 of them) and picked up garbage or fishing items left behind, etc, would this fit as a Conservation project? These ponds are all a nature habitat, and neighborhood folks are allowed to fish in them. Thanks for your help
Oct 15, 2013 - Scouter Paul
@Jeff - Sounds like a great project to me!
Mar 06, 2014 - Eugene Chen
My den has participated in our cleaning up our local park, picking up litter, etc. My question is...Is there some unwritten standard that applies to length and breadth of a cleanup to be considered a "conservation project". Is there really a difference between a park clean up that the den organized ourselves vs a beach clean-up that is organized by an outside group in terms of its utility to the community.
Mar 06, 2014 - Scouter Paul
@Eugene - The difference between those two projects is their scope. It is up to the den or pack leaders to decide how large a project to undertake.
I would have a hard time justifying a 15-minute walk through the park where we picked up a few scraps of litter. But, an hour or more where we gathered a few garbage bags full of trash would be significant enough for me. A 4-hour, intensely physical effort might be expecting too much from 2nd graders. So, each leader needs to decide what "counts".
Mar 26, 2014 - Carlos
Is there an award or some sort of recognition I can give the adult leader that helped his den earn this award?
Mar 26, 2014 - Scouter Paul
@Carlos - Sure, encourage him to complete the rest of the requirements for the Den Leader award. That is the recognition for a den leader that completes training and does a good job.
May 09, 2014 - DW Hendry
If my son earned the World Conservation award as a Bear, can he put the patch on his Webelo uniform or does he have to re-earn it?
May 09, 2014 - Scouter Paul
@DW - Yes, it can be displayed on his Webelos uniform if earned in an earlier year.
Aug 22, 2014 - Shannon
Ok, here might be a silly question, but who does the form get submitted to?
Aug 23, 2014 - Scouter Paul
@Shannon - You can turn it in to your Pack's advancement chair. Don't have one? then most likely your committee chair or whoever else gets rank badges and other recognition for the scouts.
Sep 18, 2014 - Heidi Stevens
We discussed making boot brushes and donating them to the Ice Age Trail here is Wisconsin, to help prevent the spread of invasive species. I just need to research if this is truly effective. We are Webelos.
Sep 18, 2014 - Scouter Paul
@Heidi - Sounds like a good idea to me. There are quite a few places along the Ice Age Trail that have boot brushes installed. You could contact the IATA at to find out if they want them, and what specific designs they need.
Nov 21, 2014 - Tiffany
Is there any indication if this award will stick around next year with all the program changes? It relies so heavily on the current program (achievements and electives). Our Bear den can hopefully complete it this year, but if not, it'd be nice to know that it's still an option during Webelos.
Dec 24, 2014 - Dan Pedelaborde
What I have done for my Bears and now WEBELOS, is or visite a wildlife rescue center, then do a park/trail clean up & then a tree planting day.
Doing the 3 helped with a more global view of community and nature.
Mar 18, 2015 - Heidi Yates
Does anyone know if this award will be available in the new program? We are working on it and wondering if we need to meet a deadline. Thanks for your help.
Aug 26, 2015 - Scouter Joe
@Heidi Yates & Leota Bennett - The new requirements can be found on program updates page here:
Oct 02, 2015 - Nicole
Can this badge be yearned more than once? Can they earn it in
each year Wolf, Bear, Webelos?
Oct 02, 2015 - Scouter Paul
@Nicole - Scouts can certainly complete the requirements each
year, but the patch is awarded just once. Multiple patches
would be redundant and only one would be displayed
There are small metal 'pin devices' for adults to
specify that a square knot patch was earned in the Cub Scout,
Webelos, or Boy Scout program. No one would probably get too
upset if the patch was presented the first time the award was
earned as a Wolf, then the Cub Scout device to pin on it as a
Bear, then the Webelos device as a Webelos - but that is not the
correct way.
There are not separate devices for Wolf and Bear
(which I think could be nice).
Be aware that the metal pins tend
to get lost - often! and the cost of them adds up.
Oct 05, 2015 - Thomas J Peel
I agree that a pin like the one for the Outdoor Activities Award should be available. I actually met the requirements as a Wolf (1960's) but no one knew about. I earned it as a Webelos because I had all three badges required (Forester & Naturalist & Outdoorsman) & I helped Clean Up Biscayne Bay (Miami Florida) then sponsored by the Miami Herald (newspaper) & other businesses and organizations.
Dec 16, 2015 - Justin
Do you have to do separate conservation projects for the different conservation awards, such as the World Conservation Award or the Conservation Good Turn Award? I am trying to set up a couple conservation projects for the next year, so we should be good, but was curious.
Dec 16, 2015 - Scouter Paul
@Justin - Counting one effort for multiple recognitions has never
felt right to me. But, if a project completely fulfills a
requirement for multiple awards, and the award does not say that
projects done for other awards or rank can not be used, then
'double-dipping' can be done.
Please consider what is being
demonstrated to the scouts by doing that, though. I've seen
scouts receive awards and actually say, "Thanks, how did I earn
Dec 16, 2015 - Justin
Thank you! I completely agree with you. I am taking over as
Cub Master in February and I plan on getting my Pack more
involved with the community and I have a couple of
conservation projects already lined up when the weather gets
nice. I am trying to add at least one service project per
month to our calender. We just did wreath laying at a local
Veteran Cemetery and last month we visited with the Veterans
at the local Veterans Home. I think its important for the
Scouts to get out there and learn different ways they can help
people. If you have any tips or advice, please pass them
along. Thanks.
Dec 17, 2015 - Scouter Paul
@Justin - Visiting veterans, elderly, or infirm persons is a
great service for scouts to help keep members of their community
feeling a bit more connected. I wouldn't think of that as
'conservation' though.
Spreading wood chips on trails or
playgrounds, general litter clean-up, harvesting wild grass
seeds, removing invasive plants, and planting ground cover are
all projects we've done. You could contact your City, County,
or State Parks office, state Dept. of Natural Resources, US Fish
& Wildlife, or other such groups for needs they may have
Apr 25, 2016 - Lisa McDaniel
I have an Arbor Day event planned for my Cub Scout Pack. My mom
and I both ordered a membership with the Arbor Day Foundation,
yeilding 10 saplings each and we are having the Cub Scouts help to
plant them as a Pack conservation project. We have participated
in planting new plants at a Park that was being redone in our Old
Pack and other Packs in our Area participated in a "Clean Valley"
project to clean up along the roadside and waterways in a
neighboring town.
Feb 22, 2018 - Rusti
We work on this award each year as a Den. However, a cub who just
joined our den earned it the previous year. Since he already has
the patch and will basically earn it again, is there any sort of
pin or anything that he can receive this second time around?
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