Webelos Readyman Activity Badge Requirements
Badge Name: Readyman Start Date: Jan. 1st Completion Date: Jan. 31st
Den Meeting Location: Josh's house Date/Time: 01/08 - 7:00pm
Den Outing Location: Cabin Weekend Date/Time: 01/25
Fulfilling Badge Requirements:
#1: | (explain first aid) Activity: Discussion Questions |
#2: | (help list for home) Activity: Discussion and complete Help List handout. |
#3: | (bleeding, breathing, poison, heart attack) Activity: play-act situation and treat the problem. |
#4: | (treat shock) Activity: play-act situation and treat the problem. |
#5: | (cuts, burns, choking) Activity: play-act situation and treat the problem. |
#6: | (safe swim) Activity: review rules from Aquanaut badge |
#8: | (fire escape plan) Homework: with family, define a plan |
#9: | (first aid kit usage) Activity: disect our 1st aid kit Homework: check first aid kit at home with parents |
#10: | (likely accidents) Activity: Discussion |
#11: | (car safety) Activity: Discussion |
Homework do before Den Meeting:
Den Meeting Agenda:
Time | Activity, Game, Presentation, Skill, ... |
6:55 | Gathering: Knot tying for prizes. Leader says a knot. First scout to toss him his rope with the correct knot wins. |
7:00 | Opening Ceremony - What is Boy Scout motto? (Be Prepared) What is First Aid? |
7:05 | Safety Presentation - In general, what is required to 'Be Prepared'? Review 'Safe Swim' rules and buddy system. Discuss emergency plans for home, church, a theatre, a beach. Test our fire alarm. How can you be prepared during a Sunny day, Downpour, Lightning storm, Tornado, Explosion, Car wreck, Fire? |
7:20 | Game: Marble Drop |
7:30 | First Aid - 4 Hurry Up cases - what are they and how are they handled? (breathing, bleeding, poison, heart attack) What is Shock and how is it treated? How are cuts, burns, and choking recognized and treated? |
7:45 | Winter Safety and 1st Aid - frostbite, falling through ice, car in blizzard |
8:00 | First Aid practice game - put different problems in hat. Scout draws one and acts it out. Others raise hand to guess. One that is correct treats the wound and draws next. Or, play Banged Up Benny. |
8:15 | Introduce Emergency Preparedness Award - build emergency kit with Dad. Organize a training program for the den - work in teams of 2/3. Stranger Awareness, Internet Safety, Home Safety, Emergency Preparation. |
8:20 | Closing Ceremony - Outdoor Code, Scout Promise |
8:25 | Snack and Clean-up |
Homework do after Den Meeting:
Den Outing Agenda:
We spend a weekend at the cabin doing lots of different activities. We will finish up Readyman requirements plus some requirements from many other badges. Each adult and scout sign up to:
Which activities need to be scheduled? Arrange food and travel for weekend.
Readyman Discussion Questions
Readyman Worksheets
Webelos Badge Activity Ideas List - tons to choose from here!
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