Quazimoto, the Bell Ringer Skit
This Skit is meant for Scouts BSA.
Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger scouts or not.
Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger scouts or not.
4 or more scouts
a blanket
a blanket
One person is Quazimoto, the hunchback of Notre Dame.
One scout is a man with no arms. (keep arms inside shirt)
One scout is his brother, also with no arms.
The rest are policemen.
One scout is a man with no arms. (keep arms inside shirt)
One scout is his brother, also with no arms.
The rest are policemen.
(best done as three separate scenes with other skits between)
(Scene 1:)
Quazi: Oh. Hello there. I'm Quazimoto, the hunchback of Notre Dame. I ring the bells. (He demonstrates pulling the ropes which swings the bells, up, down, up, down, and the big bells ring, bong, bong, bong, bong.)
Quazi: It's hard ringing these bells. So I put an ad in the paper for an assistant.
(2nd scout comes on stage and knocks at door)
Quazi: Oh. That must be him now. (Go down the long winding spiral staircase, still hunched over.) I have a long winding staircase, you know.
(Continue going down.) (Open the big heavy door.) Quazi: Hello?
No Arms: Hi! I read your ad in the paper, and I want to be your assistant!
Quazi: But you don't have any arms.
No Arms: I really really really want to ring bells! Please please please, give me a chance!
Quazi: Well. OK. Walk this way. (Go up the staircase, hunched and arms dragging)
No Arms: I can't, I don't have any arms! (going up perfectly straight with arms behind them)
Quazi: OK. Here are the bells. Here is how I ring them (up, down, up, down, bong, bong, bong, bong). I don't know what you're going to do. You don't have any arms.
No Arms: I can do it! Just watch! (He gets a running start, then whacks the bell with his face.) Booooong!!!
Quazi: Wow...that was the most beautiful sound I've ever heard! Please, Please do it again!
(The assistant gets a running start, misses the bell and falls to his death.)
Quazi: Ew. Squished bellringer.
(Knock knock knock) (Quazimoto descends the staircase)
Police: Quazimoto, do you know this man?
(Quazimoto turns the guy over, looks at the face, puts him down again.)
Quazi: No. But his face rings a bell!
(Police drag dead body away while Quazi climbs back up stairs.)
(Scene 2:)
Quazi: Hmmm, quite a shame about that poor guy yesterday. I hope I get some help today.
(No Arms #2 knocks on door. Quazi climbs down staircase again.)
Quazi: Hello?
No Arms: Hi! I read your ad in the paper, and I want to be your assistant!
Quazi: I thought you were dead.
Quazi: That was my brother! He so wanted to be a bellringer, that was his life's ambition! His greatest dream! With him dead, I felt that I just had to come and take his place!!
Quazi: But you don't have any arms.
No Arms: I really really really want to ring bells! Please please please, give me a chance!
Quazi: Well. OK. Walk this way. (Go up the staircase, hunched and arms dragging)
No Arms: I can't, I don't have any arms! (going up perfectly straight with arms behind them)
Quazi: OK. Here are the bells. Here is how I ring them (up, down, up, down, bong, bong, bong, bong). I don't know what you're going to do. You don't have any arms.
No Arms: I can do it! Just watch! (He gets a running start, then whacks the bell with his face.) Booooong!!!
Quazi: Wow...that was the most beautiful sound I've ever heard! Please, Please do it again!
(The assistant gets a running start, misses the bell and falls to his death.)
No Arms: AAAAH! (splat)
Quazi: Ew. Squished bellringer.
(Knock knock knock) (Quazimoto descends the staircase)
Police: Quazimoto, do you know this man??
(Quazimoto turns the guy over, looks at the face, puts him down again.)
Quazi: No. But he's a dead ringer for the guy that was here yesterday.
(Scene 3:)
Two scouts run onstage with a blanket stretched between them. They scan the sky as they shuffle around as if preparing to catch something falling from the sky.
Quazi: Hey, you two! What are you doing running around outside my belltower?
Police: Well, the last two nights someone has jumped from the tower and we're ready for him this time!
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