Making a Difference Minute
This Minute is meant for Scouts BSA.
Ask the group to answer these questions in their head:
Raise your hand if you could answer at least one of the questions. (probably no one)
Try these questions:
People that achieve great things are famous for awhile - as long as they are the best. But, someone else wins and the memory of the previous star fades away. A ribbon, medal, or trophy collects dust.
Earning the respect, trust, and friendship of those around you has more long-term worth than personal achievement. People that care about others are the ones that really make a difference.
- Name the five wealthiest people in the world.
- Name the last five Heisman trophy winners.
- Name the last five winners of the Miss America contest.
- Name five people who have won the Nobel prize.
Raise your hand if you could answer at least one of the questions. (probably no one)
Try these questions:
- Name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.
- Name five friends who have been loyal to you.
- Name five people you respect.
- Name five people you consider to be heroes.
People that achieve great things are famous for awhile - as long as they are the best. But, someone else wins and the memory of the previous star fades away. A ribbon, medal, or trophy collects dust.
Earning the respect, trust, and friendship of those around you has more long-term worth than personal achievement. People that care about others are the ones that really make a difference.
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