Difference Between Scout and Dog Minute
I knew a dog named Scout.
When you think about it, a dog is a pretty good scout.
If treated right, it is trustworthy, loyal, and friendly.
Dogs are normally kind, not mean, and they are naturally cheerful.
If trained right, it can be helpful, obedient, courteous, and clean.
A dog is rarely wasteful, so thrifty is definitely there.
Many rescue dogs have risked or even lost their lives to save a person, so I guess they are brave.
The one thing a dog can't be is reverent. Dogs have no concept of God. We include Reverent in the Scout Law because it is an important thing. Remember, a dog can get 11 out of 12.
When you think about it, a dog is a pretty good scout.
If treated right, it is trustworthy, loyal, and friendly.
Dogs are normally kind, not mean, and they are naturally cheerful.
If trained right, it can be helpful, obedient, courteous, and clean.
A dog is rarely wasteful, so thrifty is definitely there.
Many rescue dogs have risked or even lost their lives to save a person, so I guess they are brave.
The one thing a dog can't be is reverent. Dogs have no concept of God. We include Reverent in the Scout Law because it is an important thing. Remember, a dog can get 11 out of 12.
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