Ringer Game
This Game is meant for Tiger scouts.
3 or 4 coffee cans or milk jugs
3 hoops made of old rubber hose or cardboard - 2feet diameter
3 hoops made of old rubber hose or cardboard - 2feet diameter
Set up the cans about 5 feet apart in the play area.
Draw a throw line about 10 feet from the closest can.
Draw a throw line about 10 feet from the closest can.
Each scout throws the three rings at the targets.
Giving a try counts as 1 point.
A ringer counts as 1 point.
Giving a try counts as 1 point.
A ringer counts as 1 point.
- have the scouts decorate the cans before playing.
- Have 3 scouts all throw a ring at the same time so there is less waiting time.
- Put higher value on the cans as they get farther away.
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