Complicated Tag Game
a few rubber dodgeballs
Mark off a large playing area - at least 15 yards by 15 yards, larger for bigger groups.
The goal is to be the last scout eliminated.
There are 3 ways to be eliminated:
When you are eliminated, you immediately sit down right where you are. You may no longer move from your waist down. You can still participate in the game in three ways. If you do one of these, then the other scout is eliminated and you get to stand and move again:
You may need to create rules for:
There are 3 ways to be eliminated:
- Tagged by Hand - like regular tag, someone touches you. If two scouts touch each other at the same time, they raise their hands and give each other a high five and neither is out.
- Tagged by Ball - a ball touches you below the waist. It can be thrown, or bouncing, or just laying on the ground - no matter, if it touches you below the waist, you are out.
- Caught Ball - if you throw a ball and someone catches it before it hits the ground, you are out.
When you are eliminated, you immediately sit down right where you are. You may no longer move from your waist down. You can still participate in the game in three ways. If you do one of these, then the other scout is eliminated and you get to stand and move again:
- Tag people that run past.
- Get a ball and hit someone still standing, below the waist.
- Catch a thrown ball before it hits the ground.
You may need to create rules for:
- Balls that go out of bounds - have scouts that don't want to play retrieve them or have the first scout to yell 'Got It!' retrieve it.
- End of Game - when it gets close to the end of play time, announce that from now on no one that is eliminated can get back in the game.
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