Lion Scout Uniform
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Kindergarten-aged boys and girls start their Cub Scouting in a simple blue t-shirt with Lion logo, Lion cap, and blue Cub Scout belt. They may also wear an optional yellow Lion neckerchief and slide, blue Cub Scout pants, and blue Cub Scout socks.
Even though their uniform is not as formal as older scouts, it is an important part of the Scouting program, especially for the youngest ones just starting their boy scout trail. It identifies the scouts and adults as being members of the Lion den, the pack, and the Boy Scouts of America. Scouts enjoy wearing their Lion uniform. They should wear it to den meetings, pack meetings, and special pack activities.
Adults can wear a Lion polo shirt, or follow their Pack's regular adult uniforming guidelines.
The Uniform Inspection Sheet has insignia placement guides, but no patches go on the Lion t-shirt.
If your Pack gives out patches for activities, they are called 'temporary' patches. See Scouting FAQ page for help - these patches can be displayed on a red Cub Scout vest, wall display, or kept in a shoebox.
Cub Scout Packs can design their own Activity shirt and Lions can wear these, too. The most well-known place to design and purchase Pack t-shirts is the web site. They are an official licensee of the Boy Scouts of America run by Eagle Scouts and have a great reputation of service and quality products since 1982.
The Lion den leader is called a 'Lion Guide' and wears the official Cub Scout leader uniform, or the Lion polo shirt. There is also a Male & Female Leader Uniform Inspection Sheet.
Uniforms and other scouting gear are found at ScoutShop.Org, or at your local scout shop.
Retrieve a list of Scout shops and distributors in your area at this Scout Store Locator
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