Tenderfoot Candle Ceremony
This Ceremony is meant for Tenderfoot scouts.
A scouting candelabra with 7 candles - one for each badge from Scout to Eagle.
Make sure the Scout candle is already lit.
Leader can be Scoutmaster or Sr. Patrol Leader
(Call scouts forward with parents to line up behind ceremony table facing troop)
Leader: A 'Greenhorn' is a newcomer - someone brand new with no experience.
'Tenderfoot' means "inexperienced beginner". That describes you pretty well - inexperienced beginners, but no longer a greenhorn. You've successfully taken this advancement step on the scouting trail by earning the Tenderfoot rank. Many, many scouts before you have traveled this path to Tenderfoot, each of them performing the same requirements that you've completed.
But, just as our Leave No Trace guidelines allow the wilderness to recover from our passing to become new and fresh for the next visitor, your path to this point was new and fresh, covering a trail that no other scout has experienced.
Your fellow scouts standing with you each took slightly different paths to get here.
You quickly accomplished some tasks and struggled with other tasks that were challenging for you. You learned basic first aid, conquered camping skills, and improved your physical fitness. You have reached your first milestone on the trail of Scouting and you should be proud of your accomplishment.
You will find that your trail from here on will become steeper and rougher at times. More will be required of you and you will need to challenge yourself to excel and push your abilities to reach the next level.
But, keep in mind that there are friends all around you ready to help - your parents behind you, your patrolmates beside you, and your troop in front of you.
(Ask each scout directly and hand the badge to the parent when the scout answers)
Are you ready to accept the Tenderfoot rank and continue the hike up the next stretch of trail to Second Class?
(after all badges are distributed)
As a reminder that you are now responsible to light the way for scouts coming after you, everyone hold the Tenderfoot candle and light it from the Scout candle.
Parents, please pin the Tenderfoot badge on your scout.
Scouts, present the parent pin to your parent.
(when finished)
Troop [number], attention!
Congratulations to the newest Troop [number] Tenderfoot Scouts!
Leader: A 'Greenhorn' is a newcomer - someone brand new with no experience.
'Tenderfoot' means "inexperienced beginner". That describes you pretty well - inexperienced beginners, but no longer a greenhorn. You've successfully taken this advancement step on the scouting trail by earning the Tenderfoot rank. Many, many scouts before you have traveled this path to Tenderfoot, each of them performing the same requirements that you've completed.
But, just as our Leave No Trace guidelines allow the wilderness to recover from our passing to become new and fresh for the next visitor, your path to this point was new and fresh, covering a trail that no other scout has experienced.
Your fellow scouts standing with you each took slightly different paths to get here.
You quickly accomplished some tasks and struggled with other tasks that were challenging for you. You learned basic first aid, conquered camping skills, and improved your physical fitness. You have reached your first milestone on the trail of Scouting and you should be proud of your accomplishment.
You will find that your trail from here on will become steeper and rougher at times. More will be required of you and you will need to challenge yourself to excel and push your abilities to reach the next level.
But, keep in mind that there are friends all around you ready to help - your parents behind you, your patrolmates beside you, and your troop in front of you.
(Ask each scout directly and hand the badge to the parent when the scout answers)
Are you ready to accept the Tenderfoot rank and continue the hike up the next stretch of trail to Second Class?
(after all badges are distributed)
As a reminder that you are now responsible to light the way for scouts coming after you, everyone hold the Tenderfoot candle and light it from the Scout candle.
Parents, please pin the Tenderfoot badge on your scout.
Scouts, present the parent pin to your parent.
(when finished)
Troop [number], attention!
Congratulations to the newest Troop [number] Tenderfoot Scouts!
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