Pass the Message Activity
This Activity is meant for Scouts BSA.
This is a fun way to review or evaluate the skills of semaphore flags, morse code, or other information relay methods.
Run this activity around the outside of a building or lay out a course where different members of teams can not see each other.
Each patrol has one member at the starting point which would be just right side of a corner of the building. Another team member stands at each corner of the building. The final member stands just to the left side of the corner where the starting point is placed.
The game leader gives the first member of each patrol a message to relay to the team member at the next corner. This scout relays it to the next corner, and so on until the message gets to the final team member. The final person tells the message to the game leader and receives points based on the correctness of the message. Bonus points can be given for speed too.
The message can be relayed with morse code by flashing a flashlight, holding an arm up, out, or down, or some other visual method. Semaphore flags or hand positions can be used to relay each letter. Or, you could use the pony express system and have each scout run the entire message to the next scout to relay on.
If you do this inside, you could try using sign language.
The best-skilled scouts should be at the start and end positions. Relayers really just need to mimic whatever they see the scout ahead of them do.
Run this activity around the outside of a building or lay out a course where different members of teams can not see each other.
Each patrol has one member at the starting point which would be just right side of a corner of the building. Another team member stands at each corner of the building. The final member stands just to the left side of the corner where the starting point is placed.
The game leader gives the first member of each patrol a message to relay to the team member at the next corner. This scout relays it to the next corner, and so on until the message gets to the final team member. The final person tells the message to the game leader and receives points based on the correctness of the message. Bonus points can be given for speed too.
The message can be relayed with morse code by flashing a flashlight, holding an arm up, out, or down, or some other visual method. Semaphore flags or hand positions can be used to relay each letter. Or, you could use the pony express system and have each scout run the entire message to the next scout to relay on.
If you do this inside, you could try using sign language.
The best-skilled scouts should be at the start and end positions. Relayers really just need to mimic whatever they see the scout ahead of them do.
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