April 1, 2019
(Notice the publish date. It is not a real badge.)
Tattooing Resources:
Alliance of Professional Tattooists
a Scout Tattoo story
National Tattoo Association
(Please notice the publish date for this merit badge. It is not a real badge.)
(Notice the publish date. It is not a real badge.)
Requirements for the Tattoo merit badge:
- Do the following:
- Explain to your counselor the most likely hazards you may encounter while getting a tattoo or tattooing someone, and what you should do to anticipate, help prevent, mitigate, and respond to these hazards.
- Show that you know first aid for injuries or illnesses that could occur while tattooing, including skin infection, allergic reaction, bloodborne diseases, hyperventilation, psychogenic shock, sudden cardiac arrest, and spontaneous combustion.
- Define the following tattooing terms: ink, tat, gun, irons, works, carving, slinging ink, pounding skin, grinding, goo, squicked, the look, aftercare, blowout, bodysuit, canvas, scratcher, sleeve wrastler, cadaver, human larva, showcase, meat, tenderfoot, yo-man, dealer
- Describe to your counselor the uses, similarities, and differences of these tattooing tools: autoclave, coil machine, rotary machine, pneumatic machine, liner, shader
- Describe to your counselor these styles of tattoos: American Traditional, Biomechanical, Black and Grey, Blackwork, Dotwork, Geometric, Horror, Illustrative, New School, Ornamental, Realism, Ta Moko, Tebori, Iresumi, Yakuza, Yantra
- Write a short (300-word) report about the history of tattooing. Include telling who Sailor Jerry was, the origin of tattoos, and the many uses of tattoos, such as identification, medical information, and life milestones.
- Explain to your counselor the process of tattooing these three types of tattoos:
- Ink Tattoo
- Henna Tattoo
- Decal Tattoo
- Create a unique tattoo design. Draw your design on paper and have your counselor approve it. Then, tattoo your design onto a cantalope, pigskin, or synthetic skin. Show the results to your counselor and discuss ways to improve the results.
- On your parent, guardian, or scout buddy, tattoo your design and show the results to your counselor. Remember to use safe tattooing guidelines.
- Find out about three career opportunities in the tattoo industry. Pick one and find out the education, training, and experience required for this profession. Discuss this with your counselor, and explain why this profession might interest you.
Tattooing Resources:
Alliance of Professional Tattooists
a Scout Tattoo story
National Tattoo Association
(Please notice the publish date for this merit badge. It is not a real badge.)
Aug 19, 2019 - Justin Bock
Just wondering how real this tattoo
badge. As we are part of troop 216 of
the Sioux council Sioux falls SD. I came
across the badge and let the scout
leader of our group know and he was
under the impression that it was a spoof
or fake so I would like clarification
Aug 20, 2019 - Scoutmaster Steve
There is no such thing as a "Tattoo" MB.
Check the Scout Shop. www.scoutshop.org
Check the Scout Shop. www.scoutshop.org
Sep 04, 2019 - Caleb Daniels, Venturer Extraordinaire.
Here's the deal: the badge isn't official- not in any way shape or form. On the other hand,
this does not mean Scout leaders couldn't use this "badge" as a means of making sure any
young Scout leaders or 18+ Venturers are prepared for their first tattoo. The Eagle ribbon
tattoo is a popular choice for many scouts who want to permanent superficial dedication,
and as such I believe this badge could be an efficient tool for Scout leaders to ensure any
18+ scouts are ready for such a decision. My advice? Treat it like a Tattoo Totin' Chip.
Oct 30, 2020 - Scoutmaster Daniel
So about a month ago I heard about this badge and thought it would be
awesome to do with our troop. I brought it to my fellow scoutmasters
and we unanimously thought it would be an amazing experience for our
scouts. To be clear, we are a troop made up primarily of older boys
(the youngest being 15). We are fond of the more extreme stuff scouting
has to offer, we've done badges like scuba diving and rock climbing. We
had cleared a local tattoo artist to come in and help teach the badge
and after a few sessions with him our boys tattooed each other. Some
did crosses, some did the troop number, but we kept it simple and small
for the simple fact we lacked experience. It was a memorable experience
for everyone but we were disappointed when our local Boy Scout store
didn't have any actual badges. I was curious as to where we could order
these badges from for our boys?
Scoutmaster Daniel out.
Scoutmaster Daniel out.
Oct 30, 2020 - Scouter Paul
@Daniel - Ha! That's a funny story.
Nov 09, 2020 - Matthew
This MB was very useful. I had my older scouts, around 14, draw
surprisingly good "tats" on the younger cub scouts, around 7. I was very
happy how this turned out.
-Scout Leader Matthew, Alabama.
-Scout Leader Matthew, Alabama.
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