Day 67: It All Evens Out

Last year, every weekend campout was warm weather. It was so warm in January that the snowhuts melted, everyone wore shorts camping in April.
This winter we were camping during the season's deepest snowfall, the coldest night, and it looks like the last snowfall of the season tonight. They say to expect an incho or two.
It all evens out.
Last weekend, I was teaching a bunch of Scouters and missing being outside in a tent. This weekend, I get to use my new sleeping pad, eat dutch oven cooking, and smell like smoke when I get home.
Last fall, we had about 60 Scouters in IOLS training. I had to cancel it this weekend because only two signed up.
A few months ago, there was talk of droughts. This month, sandbags are along the rivers holding back the floodwaters.
I don't get to go to Philmont this summer. But, I do get to do a 50-Mile backpack up north on a brand new trail.
I finished my taxes and sent them in the old-fashioned way. I got a refund from Federal and wrote a check to State for almost the same amount.
It all evens out.
Scout On
Posted: 15:31 04-15-2011 614
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