Day 37: Tech Scouting

It's really pretty amazing how we can instantly communicate with practically anyone at any time. Our advancement chair had a question about a scout completing rank requirements. I got on my laptop wirelessly connected, opened Troopmaster which connected to their website, updated the requirement completions, ane emailed the advancement chair back. Even though I'm hundreds of miles away, it all just took a few minutes.
A couple scouts set up scoutmaster conferences through Troop Kit for when I get home.
I'm electronically planning our Troop Leader Training for this weekend with the SPL.
I just watched "UP" with the nephews and niece last night. Russell, the Wilderness Explorer, used his GPS to steer the balloon-lifted house to South America. Technology fits into Scouting just fine when used as a tool to supplement skills rather than as entertainment which should come from participation in scouting activites, or as a crutch to make up for lacking skills. Allowing technology in your troop and educating scouts (and scouters) on its proper use is a better solution than trying to prevent its presence. The Tech Chip card is an example of integrating technology into scouting.
The BSA appears to be thinking along similar lines of promoting technology through Scouting. A new STEM-NOVA Award is in the works. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Various awards, patchs, and pins will be available to Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Venturers. The program is to be announced in May and fully developed over the next two years. Read more at this page.
Scout On
Posted: 7:04 03-17-2011 594
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