Day 35: Just Visiting

I'm visiting my nephews and one of them just joined that troop this month. It's good to check out other troops when you can. You get to see what you're doing right, pick up ideas, and see that generally all troops are chaotic. :-) This troop's scoutmaster does things much differently than I do, but the scouts certainly have opportunity to lead.
It was great to see some 16 and 17 year olds welcoming the new 5th graders that just crossed over. I imagine this scene is unfolding in thousands of troops across the country this week. Guys barely up to the elbows of the Life and Eagle scouts learning two half hitches or trying to do a pull-up or two, and being obviously impressed by the skill and leadership of the older scouts.
I got to chat with an Eagle scout volunteering as assistant scoutmaster now. He showed me their gear room (I'm jealous!) and told me about their fundraising, summer camp, and usual weekend campouts. There are many logistical differences between a troop of 20 scouts and 80 scouts, but the individual scout challenges are identical - how do I motivate this one to step up and lead? why doesn't this one ever bring his book? how do I spread this one's enthusiasm to the rest?
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Posted: 21:21 03-14-2011 593
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