Lazy Man's Court of Honor
Like many troops, ours has courts of honor every quarter - March, June, September, December. The September court is by far the busiest with summer camp merit badges, new scout advancements, and general end-of-summer finishing up of awards. The SPL and ASPL normally distribute merit badges and other awards, then, as scoutmaster, I'm up front talking way too much doing the ceremonies.
There is a requirement in the Communications merit badge that the scout lead a campfire program or court of honor. Usually, they opt for the campfire option since it's less formal. I lucked out and a scout needing to complete this merit badge for Eagle planned and ran the court.
So, I got to be lazy and watch scouts run the entire thing with not a single adult out of his/her seat, except to stand and applaud. I could really get used to this and would highly recommend getting your scouts to at least occasionally perform ceremonies, if they don't already.
Scout On
There is a requirement in the Communications merit badge that the scout lead a campfire program or court of honor. Usually, they opt for the campfire option since it's less formal. I lucked out and a scout needing to complete this merit badge for Eagle planned and ran the court.
So, I got to be lazy and watch scouts run the entire thing with not a single adult out of his/her seat, except to stand and applaud. I could really get used to this and would highly recommend getting your scouts to at least occasionally perform ceremonies, if they don't already.
Scout On
Posted: 22:48 09-29-2009 446
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