Call Me Noah

Just call me Noah.
My wife, eagle scout son, and I volunteered for a week at Camp Noah in 2014 and my wife and I will be doing it again this summer.
What's Camp Noah?
Camp Noah is a locally hosted day camp for elementary-age children whose communities have been impacted by disaster. Camp Noah provides a safe, caring and fun environment where children build resiliency skills by processing their disaster experience through creative activities and play. Children are encouraged to face their fears, grieve their losses, identify and share their unique gifts and talents, and plan for an amazing future.

Where's Camp Noah?
Camps have been held in 28 states and Puerto Rico. In 2014, we volunteered in Norman, OK after a tornado. This year, we are going to San Marcos, TX because the town was hit hard by severe floods last year.
Whether flood, fire, earthquake, hurricane, or other disaster, Camp Noah is a resource for the community.
What About Scouts?
A goal of Camp Noah is to help children be resilient and prepared for challenges that will inevitably come along. Scouting has similar goals. Scouts also are all about helping people. There are quite a few ways that scouts can be involved in Camp Noah:
- Make Blankets - Every child at camp receives his/her very own fleece blanket to take home. This means hundreds of hand-made blankets are needed - no sewing required! This could be a unique Eagle Scout Project that provides a great service, takes leadership and coordination, and is based on simple skills that any scout could contribute. You could also make Kids Kits and Birthday Cards for the campers. See Projects.
- Volunteer to be on Camp Noah staff. This is what we're doing. It's a great opportunity to support children, learn about a community, and have a lot of fun.
- Host a Camp - If your community has recently been impacted, look into setting up a camp. This could be a great service for a scouting unit to undertake or help with.
When I volunteered, I got to play the role of Noah in a skit each day. That was hard for me, but I expect I'll be asked to do it again - and I'm looking forward to it this time!
Contact the Camp Noah folks to get more info about getting involved.
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