Perfect Eagle Project?

On my afternoon hike this weekend, I ran into what very well may be the perfect Eagle Scout service project!
This is a hands-on Knots and Lashings kiosk and can be found at Lowry Nature Center west of Victoria, MN. It was done as the Eagle project of Joshua R. from Troop 589 in December, 2012.
The front side of the kiosk has eight examples of knots displayed in 3 physical steps, along with a bit of text about the knot. The square knot, sheet bend, rosendahl bend, bowline, two half-hitches, taut-line hitch, clove hitch, and timber hitch are shown. (Yeah, me too - rosendahl bend??? it's also called the zeppelin bend)
In front of this oversized knot board is a lashing rail with attached ropes and short poles so visitors can actually practice the knots.
So, why do I like this project so much?
- It interacts with the public. People get to DO something with it, not just sit on it, or walk on it, or look at it.
- It teaches useful skills. Whether a grandpa remembering that old knot, or a young girl trying to tie one for the first time, visitors can explore and succeed in just a few minutes
- It promotes Scouting. Knot-tying is an obvious Scout thing, but this doesn't have BSA branding all over it. One placard tells that it is an Eagle project. A great way to show young boys and their parents another reason for them to get into Scouting.

The back of the kiosk has 4-step displays of the square, diagonal, shear, and round lashings. Another lashing rail with attached poles allows these lashings to be tried, but it appears that the ropes have walked away.
Finally, a small section of display space shows and explains various kinds of material and styles used in rope making.
I really liked the rough log supports and natural colors of this project. It fits into the outdoor area perfectly and is right along a trail so visitors can check it out before or after a short hike.
So, what do you think? The best project ever?
Have you seen an awesome project, too? Leave a comment about it.
If you are interested in duplicating this project, you might try contacting the troop at www.troop589.org

Scout On
Posted: 10:42 10-22-2014 1126
May 17, 2015 - Geri
Great Eagle Scout project. I was just speaking with a young man
trying to decide on an Eagle Scout project. I will suggest it to
him. Need to find a park...and get approval but I agree it's
interactive and educational. When I met my husband I noticed he
could tie great knots for different projects I had. I asked him
where did you learn to tie knots like that. He simple said "Boy
scouts." Life long skill he's used.
Nov 15, 2016 - Christopher Porter
I am considering doing the knot display for my Eagle Scout project
as well, so I am wondering if you can provide me with the
blueprints for the knot display.
Nov 15, 2016 - Scouter Paul
@Christopher - No, I can't. As mentioned above, you could try to
contact the troop that did the project - or design your own kiosk
using the photos above as a starting point.
May 25, 2019 - Paulo Pereira
Always alert.
Very interesting the project, I would very much like to replicate the project here and ask your permission to put into practice here in our Park.
Congratulations on the excellent idea of interacting with the audience with the techniques of Girl Scout.
Paulo Pereira.
Very interesting the project, I would very much like to replicate the project here and ask your permission to put into practice here in our Park.
Congratulations on the excellent idea of interacting with the audience with the techniques of Girl Scout.
Paulo Pereira.
May 04, 2020 - Thomas Peel
The Knot Board is an EXCELLENT idea not only for Eagle project but
a learning project as well.
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