Hip Patrol Patches

If scouts in your troop or Webelos den are tired of the same old choices in official BSA patrol emblems, have them take a peak at ScoutStuff.org patrol emblems where they may find something new and fun.
Maybe the BSA will regain some of the market lost to custom patrol patch manufacturers with these new patrol options. Some are just redesigns of older versions, like the Native American and Bison patches. Others strike me as silly, such as the Computer Geek and Game Master patches. And a few, Raven, Knight, Bull, look pretty cool to me.
If you want to just see all the current patrol patches, from Aliens to Zombies, check out my Patrol Patches page.

Yes, that's right Aliens and Zombies, not the good ol' Antelope and Roadrunner - those are no longer listed at scoutstuff.org
So, what do you think?
Good move to offer more choices, or not?
Do you have a favorite patrol patch from the list?
Scout On
Posted: 16:01 10-20-2014 1125
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