Cub Scouts Art Academics Belt Loop and Pin
Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, and Webelos Scouts may complete requirements in a family, den, pack, school, or community environment. Tiger Cubs must work with their parents or adult partners. Parents and partners do not earn loops or pins.
Requirements for the Art Academics Belt Loop
- Make a list of common materials used to create visual art compositions.
- Demonstrate how six of the following elements of design are used in a drawing: lines, circles, dots, shapes, colors, patterns, textures, space, balance, or perspective.
- Identify the three primary colors and the three secondary colors that can be made by mixing them. Show how this is done using paints or markers. Use the primary and secondary colors to create a painting.
Requirements for the Art Academics Pin
Earn the Art belt loop, and complete six of the following requirements:
- Visit an art museum, gallery, or exhibit. Discuss with an adult the art you saw.
- Create two self-portraits using two different art techniques, such as drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, or computer illustration.
- Demonstrate how to make paper. Make a sample at least 4 inches by 4 inches.
- Make a simple silkscreen or stencil. Print a card or T-shirt.
- Create a freestanding sculpture or mobile using wood, metal, soap, papier-mache, or found objects.
- Create an object using clay that can be fired, baked in the oven, or hardened in water.
- Photograph four subjects in one theme, such as landscapes, people, animals, sports, or buildings.
- Make a collage using several different materials.
- Use your artistic skills to create a postage stamp, book cover, or music CD cover.
- Use a computer illustration or painting program to create a work of art.
- Display your artwork in a pack, school, or community art show.
Art Resources
Your local library, schools, museums, and art galleries are all excellent sources of information about art. Also visit art supply stores and teacher supply stores for more information and art materials. See original works of art at museums, art galleries, exhibits, and artists' studios.
Invite an artist to do a demonstration at a den meeting. Books, videos, and television can provide information about artists and their lives. Watch for children's art classes offered by after-school programs and local parks and recreation departments.
Tips for Parents
- Establish a supportive and nurturing atmosphere where your child can learn to express himself through his art. Praise his work.
- Set aside a place where your child can practice his skills and work on projects without interruptions from siblings or pets.
- Help your child learn to see color and design in everyday objects, in nature, and in the artwork of others.
- Teach your child how to use art materials. Let him experiment with the materials before he tries to create a finished product.
- Explain to your child the value of planning ahead. Gathering materials, setting up a work area, and possibly sketching out some preliminary ideas can help a child learn to focus on what he would like to accomplish.
- Encourage your child when he becomes frustrated. Explain that he will not like everything he creates. Give him the option to take a break and finish later. Assure him that through trial and error, he will learn to express his ideas through art.
- Read labels on all art materials. Avoid materials that are toxic, produce permanent stains, or might cause allergies.
Viewing Art With Children
When visiting a museum or exhibit, let the child set the pace - museums can be tiring. Make the experience fun for both of you. Ask questions that spark the child's interest and help teach him how to view art.
- What did you notice first about the art piece?
- What general style is the art?
- How does the work 'speak' without using words?
- What do you think the artist wants the audience to see or feel?
- What part of the work gives you special feelings? What kind of feelings?
Styles of Art
Observations of the Real World. The artist imiatates life by using details, lighting, and carefully planned designs that show recognizable subjects.
Creation of Imaginary Worlds. The artist imaginatively combines familiar subjects or scenes in a way that may remind us of the strange combinations of images in dreams.
Expression of Feelings. The artist tries to capture a mood or feeling, rather than show how something looks. He or she may exaggerate, omit details, or intensify colors, shapes or lines to help us identify the feelings.
Invention of Visual Order. The artist creates an arrangement of lines, shapes, and colors that are meant to intrigue our eye and fascinate us.
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