Dumb Doctor Skit
This Skit is meant for Scouts BSA, Webelos scouts.
Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger scouts or not.
Decide for yourself if it is appropriate for your younger scouts or not.
2 scouts
chairs lined up to be a hospital bed or a tabletop.
chairs lined up to be a hospital bed or a tabletop.
(doctor enters hospital room where man is laying on hospital bed, sleeping. doctor walks over close to man and looks at him and starts readying his imaginary status chart.)
doctor: Hmmm, let's see. Mr. Smith. Hmmm, recovering nicely. Good progress!
(man wakes up and starts grabbing his throat like he can't breath.)
doctor: What is it? Do you need something to drink?
(man shakes head No)
doctor: Do you need medicine?
(man shakes head No frantically)
doctor: Are you having a heart attack?
(man shakes head No. He acts like he is scribbling on a piece of paper.)
doctor: You want a pencil and paper?
(man nods head Yes)
(doctor hands him paper and pencil. Man writes note with his last bit of strength and then falls back dead.)
doctor: (reading note) You are standing on my oxygen hose!
(doctor looks down at his shoes and takes a step back, then guiltily scurries offstage)
doctor: Hmmm, let's see. Mr. Smith. Hmmm, recovering nicely. Good progress!
(man wakes up and starts grabbing his throat like he can't breath.)
doctor: What is it? Do you need something to drink?
(man shakes head No)
doctor: Do you need medicine?
(man shakes head No frantically)
doctor: Are you having a heart attack?
(man shakes head No. He acts like he is scribbling on a piece of paper.)
doctor: You want a pencil and paper?
(man nods head Yes)
(doctor hands him paper and pencil. Man writes note with his last bit of strength and then falls back dead.)
doctor: (reading note) You are standing on my oxygen hose!
(doctor looks down at his shoes and takes a step back, then guiltily scurries offstage)
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Mar 14, 2014 - Yuvisinghrox
Amazing skit
Whole class laughed their ears out!!
Apr 20, 2021 - Corey jedi
Have you ever heard/seen jump froggy jump?
7 scouts
4 scouts each grab the limb of a scout laying down forming a frog
Dr. F and Igor
Dr F says we're here to conduct an experimentto see what happens when we run experiments on frogs (i cant really remember exactly), then Dr F has Igor chop off a leg igor runs over and knocks 1 kid down and asks it to jump
"Jump froggy jump"
Three kids lift the one kid like he's jumping
Repeat 3 more times
All kids on ground and Igor just keeps saying jump froggy jump and nothing happens
Dr F concludes that without limbs frogs lose their sense of hearing...
7 scouts
4 scouts each grab the limb of a scout laying down forming a frog
Dr. F and Igor
Dr F says we're here to conduct an experimentto see what happens when we run experiments on frogs (i cant really remember exactly), then Dr F has Igor chop off a leg igor runs over and knocks 1 kid down and asks it to jump
"Jump froggy jump"
Three kids lift the one kid like he's jumping
Repeat 3 more times
All kids on ground and Igor just keeps saying jump froggy jump and nothing happens
Dr F concludes that without limbs frogs lose their sense of hearing...
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