No Man's Land Game
Draw two parallel lines across the play area, 5 feet apart.
Extremely physical and can be rough on clothes.
Divide into two team, fairly evenly matched by size.
The area between the two lines is No Man's Land - any scout can access this area.
The goal is to pull members of the opposing team through your side of No Man's Land. When they step over your line, they are out of the game.
Last team with players wins or most players at end of time limit.
Multiple scouts can gang up on one opposing scout if necessary.
You may have a safety time limit to force scouts to enter No Man's Land at least once every 30 seconds.
The area between the two lines is No Man's Land - any scout can access this area.
The goal is to pull members of the opposing team through your side of No Man's Land. When they step over your line, they are out of the game.
Last team with players wins or most players at end of time limit.
Multiple scouts can gang up on one opposing scout if necessary.
You may have a safety time limit to force scouts to enter No Man's Land at least once every 30 seconds.
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