Scouting Spirit Arrow of Light Ceremony
This Ceremony is meant for AoL scouts.
candles - white, blue, yellow, green.
Arrow of Light patches
Arrow of Light patches
have the candles arranged - white, blue, yellow, green.
Leader lights the white candle to begin the ceremony.
Akela: Will the following scouts come forward with their parents.
(Read names of the Arrow of Light candidates and wait)
Akela: These scouts have fulfilled the requirements for the Arrow of Light rank, the highest recognition in Cub Scouting. They have also visited a Scouts BSA troop and talked with the Scoutmaster.
Akela: This white candle represents the spirit of Scouting. This spirit burns inside every scout and it's flame is what keeps the Scouting movement alive.
Akela: Before you is a blue candle that represents the spirit of Cub Scouting - that spirit of giving goodwill and doing your best.
Do you promise to continue to fulfill the Cub Scout Promise and the Cub Scout motto, "Do Your Best", even after you receive your Arrow of Light?
AoL Scouts: We do.
Akela: These scouts have faithfully promised always to keep alive the spirit of Cub Scouting. Please work together as a team to light the blue Cub Scouting Spirit candle.
(Wait as they light the candle.)
Akela: As their parents, do you also promise to continue to help your children in their Scouting adventures?
Parents: We do.
Akela: Since you scouts have met the requirements to earn the Arrow of Light, it is my honor to give your parent your badge.
I would like each of you parents to pin the badge to the center of the left pocket flap on the uniform.
(Hand out badges and continue as they are being pinned on...)
Akela: This Arrow of Light patch is the only Cub Scout recognition that can be later worn on the Scouts BSA uniform. It is such a noteworthy accomplishment that adult scouters who earned it as a scout can even wear a square knot emblem on their scouting uniform.
Akela: Now that you each have your Arrow of Light pinned in place, you may light the yellow candle to show your brighter, bolder scouting spirit that you will continue to grow.
(Scouts light yellow candle.)
Akela: It is a great honor for me to greet you who have earned the Arrow of Light.
(Give out certificates and give Cub Scout handshake.)
Akela: Notice that we are leaving the green candle unlit because it represents Scouts BSA. This is to remind you Arrow of Light Scouts of something yet to be enjoyed, a grand adventure that will open to you very soon. Good luck and success to you and your family in your future Scouting career.
Pack, please join me in congratulating these fine scouts!
Akela: Will the following scouts come forward with their parents.
(Read names of the Arrow of Light candidates and wait)
Akela: These scouts have fulfilled the requirements for the Arrow of Light rank, the highest recognition in Cub Scouting. They have also visited a Scouts BSA troop and talked with the Scoutmaster.
Akela: This white candle represents the spirit of Scouting. This spirit burns inside every scout and it's flame is what keeps the Scouting movement alive.
Akela: Before you is a blue candle that represents the spirit of Cub Scouting - that spirit of giving goodwill and doing your best.
Do you promise to continue to fulfill the Cub Scout Promise and the Cub Scout motto, "Do Your Best", even after you receive your Arrow of Light?
AoL Scouts: We do.
Akela: These scouts have faithfully promised always to keep alive the spirit of Cub Scouting. Please work together as a team to light the blue Cub Scouting Spirit candle.
(Wait as they light the candle.)
Akela: As their parents, do you also promise to continue to help your children in their Scouting adventures?
Parents: We do.
Akela: Since you scouts have met the requirements to earn the Arrow of Light, it is my honor to give your parent your badge.
I would like each of you parents to pin the badge to the center of the left pocket flap on the uniform.
(Hand out badges and continue as they are being pinned on...)
Akela: This Arrow of Light patch is the only Cub Scout recognition that can be later worn on the Scouts BSA uniform. It is such a noteworthy accomplishment that adult scouters who earned it as a scout can even wear a square knot emblem on their scouting uniform.
Akela: Now that you each have your Arrow of Light pinned in place, you may light the yellow candle to show your brighter, bolder scouting spirit that you will continue to grow.
(Scouts light yellow candle.)
Akela: It is a great honor for me to greet you who have earned the Arrow of Light.
(Give out certificates and give Cub Scout handshake.)
Akela: Notice that we are leaving the green candle unlit because it represents Scouts BSA. This is to remind you Arrow of Light Scouts of something yet to be enjoyed, a grand adventure that will open to you very soon. Good luck and success to you and your family in your future Scouting career.
Pack, please join me in congratulating these fine scouts!
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