Family Cross-Over Ceremony
This Ceremony is meant for AoL scouts.
Posters of all Cub Scout ranks
Troop neckerchief and Scouts BSA neckerchief slide
Troop neckerchief and Scouts BSA neckerchief slide
AoL den leader, AoL Scout and parents, Scoutmaster, troop senior patrol leader, five Cub Scouts to hold posters, five other Cub Scouts, other pack leaders.
Cub Scouts line up posters in order of advancement with one scout of that rank holding the poster and another scout standing beside. After these scouts, other pack leaders may line up also.
The AoL den leader, AoL Scout, and parents stand at one end of the column. The Scoutmaster and senior patrol leader of the scout's new troop face them at the other end of the column.
When all are in their places, the AoL den leader reads a review of the scout's accomplishments during the scout's Cub Scout years, mentioning awards received.
AoL Den Leader: Our accomplishments are never made without help. And significant in [scout name]'s growth has been the help received from [scout name]'s parents. I thank you for the help you have given your child and your cooperation with the den and pack leaders. Of course, we will miss you as you move on into the Scouts BSA program - but, we are honored to present Troop [number] such an outstanding family! All of us here wish you continued success as you climb the Scouting trail.
AoL Den Leader: A representative of each Cub Scout rank is ready to congratulate you as you make your final hike from this Pack to your new Troop. Congratulations!
(AoL den leader shakes the scout's and parents' hands. The scout and parents now pass down the line, receiving good wishes and good-byes from all pack members in line. The AoL den leader might lead the rest of the gathered pack in singing "For They're a Jolly Good Family," to the tune of "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" as the scout and parents pass down the line. When the AoL Scout and parents reach the end of the column, the singing should stop and the Scoutmaster welcomes them.)
Scoutmaster: You have had a great experience in Cub Scouting.
Scouting with our troop will introduce you to new skills that lead to more great fun - hiking and camping. Mr. and Mrs. [name], we hope you will continue to help your scout, and we will look forward to your active participation in making our troop one of the best.
In so doing you will be assured that your child is receiving full benefits from the Scouting experience.
(The scout's senior patrol leader puts on the neckerchief of the new troop and gives the Scout handshake.)
Close with a pack howl or other appropriate cheer.
Cub Scouts line up posters in order of advancement with one scout of that rank holding the poster and another scout standing beside. After these scouts, other pack leaders may line up also.
The AoL den leader, AoL Scout, and parents stand at one end of the column. The Scoutmaster and senior patrol leader of the scout's new troop face them at the other end of the column.
When all are in their places, the AoL den leader reads a review of the scout's accomplishments during the scout's Cub Scout years, mentioning awards received.
AoL Den Leader: Our accomplishments are never made without help. And significant in [scout name]'s growth has been the help received from [scout name]'s parents. I thank you for the help you have given your child and your cooperation with the den and pack leaders. Of course, we will miss you as you move on into the Scouts BSA program - but, we are honored to present Troop [number] such an outstanding family! All of us here wish you continued success as you climb the Scouting trail.
AoL Den Leader: A representative of each Cub Scout rank is ready to congratulate you as you make your final hike from this Pack to your new Troop. Congratulations!
(AoL den leader shakes the scout's and parents' hands. The scout and parents now pass down the line, receiving good wishes and good-byes from all pack members in line. The AoL den leader might lead the rest of the gathered pack in singing "For They're a Jolly Good Family," to the tune of "For He's a Jolly Good Fellow" as the scout and parents pass down the line. When the AoL Scout and parents reach the end of the column, the singing should stop and the Scoutmaster welcomes them.)
Scoutmaster: You have had a great experience in Cub Scouting.
Scouting with our troop will introduce you to new skills that lead to more great fun - hiking and camping. Mr. and Mrs. [name], we hope you will continue to help your scout, and we will look forward to your active participation in making our troop one of the best.
In so doing you will be assured that your child is receiving full benefits from the Scouting experience.
(The scout's senior patrol leader puts on the neckerchief of the new troop and gives the Scout handshake.)
Close with a pack howl or other appropriate cheer.
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