Rope March Activity
This Activity is meant for Scouts BSA, Webelos scouts.
One 2 or 3 foot rope for each scout
Mark a starting line behind which the patrol will line up.
Set up a short course around trees or cones for the patrol to navigate.
Set up a short course around trees or cones for the patrol to navigate.
Have scouts line up by patrol.
Give patrol leader a rope for each scout.
Second scout in line ties an end of a rope around the right ankle of the scout ahead and the other end of the rope around their own right ankle.
Next scout ties a rope around the left ankle of scout #2 and around their own left ankle.
Repeat for all scouts in the patrol so a chain of scouts is created with alternating ankles connected.
Once the patrol is tied and ready, give them 2 minutes to come up with a plan on how they will navigate the course.
Time them as they run the course.
Give them 2 minutes to refine their plan and run the course again.
Reflect: Synchronizing steps is critical to success. A good plan with good execution and tight teamwork is necessary.
Did someone take leadership?
Were ideas discussed?
Was the 2nd time faster? Why or why not?
Did everyone on the team give a good effort?
Alternative: Run this as a race between patrols. Add obstacles such as having the patrol go through a hula hoop or get over a barrier.
Give patrol leader a rope for each scout.
Second scout in line ties an end of a rope around the right ankle of the scout ahead and the other end of the rope around their own right ankle.
Next scout ties a rope around the left ankle of scout #2 and around their own left ankle.
Repeat for all scouts in the patrol so a chain of scouts is created with alternating ankles connected.
Once the patrol is tied and ready, give them 2 minutes to come up with a plan on how they will navigate the course.
Time them as they run the course.
Give them 2 minutes to refine their plan and run the course again.
Reflect: Synchronizing steps is critical to success. A good plan with good execution and tight teamwork is necessary.
Did someone take leadership?
Were ideas discussed?
Was the 2nd time faster? Why or why not?
Did everyone on the team give a good effort?
Alternative: Run this as a race between patrols. Add obstacles such as having the patrol go through a hula hoop or get over a barrier.
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