Patrol Coup Sticks Activity
This Activity is meant for Scouts BSA.
18 inch leather shoelace for each patrol
colored beads
colored feathers
small silver and gold bells
colored beads
colored feathers
small silver and gold bells
This is an ongoing activity for a troop to use to build patrol spirit and help each scout participate and support the patrol. Patrols accumulate beads and attach them to their patrol flag staff.
In January of each year, which tends to be a slower time of year anyway, have a party to review patrol accomplishments, determine which patrol has the most awards, and start a new year of awarding.
Have a segregated box of colored beads with each bead having a different meaning. (pony beads from any walmart or similar store)
Give each patrol an 18 inch leather thong to tie onto their patrol Flag.
At every troop meeting, each patrol leader reports on the activities and accomplishments of their patrol since the last troop meeting. When a patrol leader reports, they pick beads from the box or the ASPL hands them over and the patrol can attach them to their leather thong.
Beads: (for individual and patrol activities)
Feathers: (plan and lead troop-wide activities)
Bells: (exceptional work)
By the time the patrol ages out, their flagpole should be covered with beads, feathers, and bells.
In January of each year, which tends to be a slower time of year anyway, have a party to review patrol accomplishments, determine which patrol has the most awards, and start a new year of awarding.
Have a segregated box of colored beads with each bead having a different meaning. (pony beads from any walmart or similar store)
Give each patrol an 18 inch leather thong to tie onto their patrol Flag.
At every troop meeting, each patrol leader reports on the activities and accomplishments of their patrol since the last troop meeting. When a patrol leader reports, they pick beads from the box or the ASPL hands them over and the patrol can attach them to their leather thong.
Beads: (for individual and patrol activities)
white | Advancement - a bead for each rank advancement by a member |
aqua | individual national or council award (50-miler, emergency prep, LNT, ... ) |
red | Service - member joins OA, 100% participation in troop service project, holds a patrol Service Project or Good Turn (pre-approved by PLC or SM) |
green | Woodcraft - instructed a skill, led a game, or other woodcraft exceptional recognition |
yellow | PLC meeting attendance - give beads at PLC meeting |
brown | Patrol activity outside of troop - hike, campout, skills training |
orange | Patrol has a youth guest visiting a meeting or campout |
blue | Troop leadership - 1 for each position of leadership completed |
black | long-term camping - 1 for each scout at Philmont, Seabase, summer camp, backpacking, ... |
purple | Lead new game, song, skit |
silver | 100% Patrol attendance at a meeting |
gold | 100% Patrol attendance at a campout |
Feathers: (plan and lead troop-wide activities)
White | national or council award (Honor Patrol, ... ) |
Red | organize service project |
Brown | organize weekend campout |
Black | organize long-term camp |
Bells: (exceptional work)
SPL or ASPL position | attach to blue bead |
Eagle rank | attach to white bead |
3-month Spirit Award | use clear bead. See Patrol Spirit Competition activity. |
By the time the patrol ages out, their flagpole should be covered with beads, feathers, and bells.
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