X-SM Role?

Next week will be my first free Monday night in over six years - no PLC meeting, no troop meeting, no committee meeting, no merit badges or patrols to visit. Now that the new Scoutmaster is trained and guiding the troop, I'm on my own. I've got some big plans, but first I'm curious to hear from you guys.
What role does the past Scoutmaster play in your troop? - leave a comment about how your troop puts the ex-SM 'out to pasture'. Is it a clean break, becomes an ASM, joins the committee, or something else?
We've decided that it would be best for the scouts to have me away from meetings and campouts for at least six months. This is to engrain in them that I'm not the scoutmaster now. My transition falls in nicely with a new SPL election this coming month so the entire troop leadership will start anew over this next month.
My plans for the next nine months are:
- Merit badge counselor for anyone in the council, including the troop.
- District training volunteer for SM Specific, IOLS, and Youth Protection.
- High Adventure planning resource to all troops in the community that need advice on their treks.
- Complete two website projects I've neglected for the past few years.
- Present Red Cross CPR/AED and WRFA training, mostly to scout units.
- Support my last son through his final year of high school and get him out of the house. :-)
I figure that should keep me pretty busy and active enough in the Scouting community. But, it doesn't really get me out into the wilds as much as I'm used to and as much as I'd like. I've got a plan for that part of my life that I think will keep me busy for the next six years. Stop by tomorrow if you're curious. Here's a clue - I hiked 11 miles this morning.
Scout On
Posted: 10:07 08-24-2011 656
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