Day 21: I Love Mondays

The SPL, along with some other high schoolers, was gone to a ski club dinner tonight so the ASPL ran the show. A first year patrol led the skills time and game time since their patrol is planning the campout coming up. It was all about knots - I'm not sure exactly WHAT knots, but I did recognize a couple bowlines and some half hitches. :-) The campout will be 'Pioneering' so they wanted to brush up on those skills.
I also met with a Tenderfoot this afternoon and an Eagle candidate.
This Eagle has 26 days until his 18th, but he's down to just signatures and turning in paperwork now.
I wonder what you thought when you read that last sentence? Maybe, "oh, another one waiting to the last minute." Or, "huh, somebody must have pushed him and he didn't want it." There's usually some reason a scout barely finishes his Eagle requirements in time, or sometimes not quite in time. In this case, it's the best of reasons as far as I can tell - Scouting is just one part of his well-rounded life.
This guy is the perfect example of what my personal vision is of an Eagle Scout.
Fitness: His sports training kept him from many scouting opportunities, enabling him to play varsity football and getting a college scholarship. He demonstrated his fitness in scouting on high adventure treks from Florida to Washington, swimming in oceans, climbing mountains, and backpacking hundreds of miles.
Citizenship: When he graduates in a couple months, he'll be serving his country in the military.
Character: In seven years with the troop, serving as SPL and other positions, he has consistently supported his fellow scouts. He never learned how to play "the Blame Game" - always taking responsibility for any failings of his team.
As I mentioned to my wife, "If every guy was like him, there'd be no need for Scouting." :-) I often wonder how much impact Scouting has - for example, is this scout the way he is because he was in Scouts or is he just that way?
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Posted: 9:28 03-01-2011 582
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