What's in a Domain Name?
As most folks know, the official BSA national website is at scouting.org which is a great domain name for the organization. But, in the Internet world, good domain names can be bought and sold for hundreds and thousands of dollars. Just think of an interesting name such as hike.com or camp.com and it's probably already registered. And, there's a good chance it is just a place holder, reserved by someone hoping to sell the domain name instead of actually create a site with any value to it.
That's why it's pretty cool that a fella named John Hall has donated the domain names of BoyScouts.com and BoyScouts.org to the BSA. Those URLs now redirect to the Scouting.org site that has this press release.
Mr. Hall could have sold those domain names for a lot of money, but he chose to give them to the BSA. This simple action will benefit many people that are looking for the BSA site and search for a match. Instead of being sent to some garbage site, they'll actually get to the right destination.
There are many different ways people can support the scouting movement. I think this action by Mr. Hall demonstrates that the breadth and depth of our impact is only limited by our imagination and resourcefulness.
BoyScout.com, BoyScouts.com, CubScout.com, CubScouts.com, CubScout.org and other names all wind up at Scouting.org but there are quite few others that are interesting to check out just to see where they go:
- Scouting.com redirects to Draft.com - a football site.
- BoyScout.org is a holder page, waiting to be purchased. So is Scouts.org, Scouts.net, Scout.net and lots of other
- CubScouts.org is used by Pack 474 in Wauwatosa, WI.
Also, if you didn't know Scout.org is the home of the World Organization of the Scout Movement.
Scout On
That's why it's pretty cool that a fella named John Hall has donated the domain names of BoyScouts.com and BoyScouts.org to the BSA. Those URLs now redirect to the Scouting.org site that has this press release.
Mr. Hall could have sold those domain names for a lot of money, but he chose to give them to the BSA. This simple action will benefit many people that are looking for the BSA site and search for a match. Instead of being sent to some garbage site, they'll actually get to the right destination.
There are many different ways people can support the scouting movement. I think this action by Mr. Hall demonstrates that the breadth and depth of our impact is only limited by our imagination and resourcefulness.
BoyScout.com, BoyScouts.com, CubScout.com, CubScouts.com, CubScout.org and other names all wind up at Scouting.org but there are quite few others that are interesting to check out just to see where they go:
- Scouting.com redirects to Draft.com - a football site.
- BoyScout.org is a holder page, waiting to be purchased. So is Scouts.org, Scouts.net, Scout.net and lots of other
- CubScouts.org is used by Pack 474 in Wauwatosa, WI.
Also, if you didn't know Scout.org is the home of the World Organization of the Scout Movement.
Scout On
Posted: 14:34 05-30-2008 331
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