BSA Report to the Nation
The BSA creates an annual report to highlight the achievements of its program. A group of scout delegates is chosen to present the report to the Speaker of the House each year to fulfill a requirement in the BSA charter. Since Hilliam Howard Taft in 1910, every U.S. president has received a BSA Report to the Nation delegation.
The youth in the delegation are chosen because they embody the spirit and values associated with Scouting. This year, a Webelos scout from Minnesota was chosen as a delegate because he saved his younger brother from drowning. He received the Honor medal, just like his father did as a youth.
The delegation has just completed their 5-day trip and the BSA has a site showing the delegates and their activities at BSArtn2007.org. What a great experience, meeting top government officials and touring tons of historic and political sites.
Scout On
The youth in the delegation are chosen because they embody the spirit and values associated with Scouting. This year, a Webelos scout from Minnesota was chosen as a delegate because he saved his younger brother from drowning. He received the Honor medal, just like his father did as a youth.
The delegation has just completed their 5-day trip and the BSA has a site showing the delegates and their activities at BSArtn2007.org. What a great experience, meeting top government officials and touring tons of historic and political sites.
Scout On
Posted: 9:24 03-08-2008 316
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