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Since it's had over 12 million views in the 10 days it's been out on YouTube, you've probably already seen this video. But, if you haven't, sacrifice 5 minutes of your life to hopefully change your view on how you're spending your life.
My favorite line in it - "Smart Phones and Dumb People".
I'd love to hear it set to some Rap Beat or Rock-n-Roll music. :-)
Scout On in the Real World
My favorite line in it - "Smart Phones and Dumb People".
I'd love to hear it set to some Rap Beat or Rock-n-Roll music. :-)
Scout On in the Real World
Posted: 9:28 05-05-2014 1087
May 06, 2014 - Kurt Wochholz
Thank you so much for posting this. I still have my flip phone and I am not the one who is behind the times.
May 12, 2014 - Douglas Gray
Great message! Flip-phone user here, too Kurt! Mine can't even take pictures!
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