Changes On the Way

The Academics & Sports program going away is just one of the changes we'll see next year. Change, even change for the better, causes a disruption in our routine. Many of us are comfortable doing things the way we've always done it - even if that way is not the best way. Routine is comfortable.
So, as you probably guessed, most comments do not favor the change. But, in 2016 or 2017, whatever the "new" program is will be "the way we've always done it". We'll get used to the changes and deliver the program, and my expectation is that the changes will be an improvement.
The retirement of Academics & Sports is just one of a big handful of proposed changes. Next year will see some relevant updates to the Cub Scouts, and 2016 will see the Boy Scouts changing.
Some updates to look for:
- Scout Oath & Law used by Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, and Venturers
- All Cub Scout ranks will have similar seven-step advancement programs
- Scout will be a rank, not just the joining patch
- Service, Fitness, and Health requirements added to all Tenderfoot to First Class requirements
- New scout and leader handbooks and training
There's more. Check out this PDF for the most "official" info from Dec. 2013.
Posted: 7:27 03-20-2014 1081
Mar 31, 2014 - Cathy
I'm okay with change, it comes with life but I have to say I'm extremely disappointed in the Arrow of Light going to be available without earning the Webelos rank. Arrow of Light is suppose to be to Cub Scouts what the Eagle scout rank is to Boy Scouts and if you don't have to earn Webelos rank, which isn't hard to do, then how is it special now? Might as well give it away then.
Mar 31, 2014 - Scouter Paul
@Cathy - Arrow of Light is the highest rank in Cub Scouts, as Eagle is the highest rank in Boy Scouts. Other than that, they aren't comparable, similar, equivalent, or anything like that.
Since there will be changes to the Arrow of Light requirements, along with the entire Cub Scout program, I don't see much value in being disappointed about the change at this early stage. For all we know, it may become more challenging to earn the Arrow of Light.
Jun 05, 2014 - Grady
SO glad they're retiring the belt loop program. It is such a money sink for our pack, and the kids lose them so fast. My hope is that they do something similar to the webelos pins for rank achievements. Those almost never get lost.
Agreed that the AOL may be a downer, but since we don't know how they'll be implementing it yet, no cause getting concerned yet.
Thanks for letting us know about these changes!
Jun 04, 2015 - Roger
I agree that the change in the AOL is not good. It should be difficult to attain and that would require a full year of work. As the BSA has already concluded that more boys stay in the Boy Scout program if the join earlier than in the past when they crossed over in late May or June. this means that their program will be shorter and they will not be able to do much, If Webelos is required as well, that gives the pack more time to prepare them for Boy Scouts.
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