Big Wins

Food was the major chore yesterday and today. Here's a scout making pancakes over the fire. They also made bacon and hashbrowns while the rain turned to sleet and a few bits of hail.
It's important for us to keep expectations realistic for new scouts. I believe scouts can do tremendous things, usually much more then they think. Just remember that small steps of experience build their abilities so they are able to tackle the big things. Sometimes, just having the pancakes come out not burned and not gooey IS a big win!

Scouts only needed to learn the clove hitch and square lashing to create it. It's a good beginner lashing project.
A plastic serving spoon from a patrol box was lashed to the end of the throwing arm with a round lashing to create the bucket to hold ammo. At the troop meeting last week, some scouts volunteered to bring items to throw, but none followed through. :-( So, the scoutmaster conveniently had a few tennis balls, just in case.
Posted: 7:55 10-20-2013 1069
Oct 22, 2013 - Pat Downs
Do you have the plans for your trebuchet?
Looks like a good patrol contest.
Pat Downs
SM - Troop 232, West Fargo, ND
Oct 23, 2013 - Scouter Paul
@Pat - See this page
Nov 06, 2013 - John Sullivan
That is awesome! We are doing this next trip.
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