Cub Scouts Baseball Sports Belt Loop and Pin
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Earn the Baseball belt loop, and complete five of the following requirements:
Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, and Webelos Scouts may complete requirements in a family, den, pack, school, or community environment. Tiger Cubs must work with their parents or adult partners. Parents and partners do not earn loops or pins.
Requirements for the Baseball Belt Loop
- Explain the rules of baseball to your leader or adult partner.
- In three separate sessions, spend at least 30 minutes practicing baseball skills.
- Participate in a baseball game.
Requirements for the Baseball Pin
Earn the Baseball belt loop, and complete five of the following requirements:
- Participate in a pack or community baseball tournament.
- Demonstrate skill in two of the following throwing techniques: overhand, sidearm, underhand, and the relay throw.
- Demonstrate skill in two of the following catching techniques: fielding a ground ball, fielding a pop-up, catching a line drive.
- Demonstrate correct pitching techniques.
- Demonstrate correct hitting techniques, including bunting.
- Explain the rules of base running. Explain base coaching signals.
- Demonstrate skill in the following sliding techniques: the straight-in slide, the hook slide, and the headfirst slide.
- Play five games of baseball using standard baseball rules.
- Draw a baseball field to scale or set one up for play.
- Attend a high school, college, or professional baseball game.
- Read a book, about a baseball player and give a report about him or her to your den or family.
Jan 16, 2013 - rita
I was wondering if these requirements have to be done at a certain time my child has played baseball since he was 4 does he have to wait till the season starts again or can he get these awards now
Jan 17, 2013 - Scouter Paul
rita - The emphasis of the Academics & Sports program is to try new things. Your son, being an expert at baseball, would not be trying anything new if you just used his past baseball experiences in meeting the requirements.
But, it doesn't make sense to not let him earn this loop and pin just because he's already an expert.
So, with just 90 minutes of practice and probably another 15 to 30 of demonstrating skills with you, he could earn the loop and pin. It doesn't need to be done during baseball season.
A better opportunity would be for him to find out which scouts in his den are not baseball experts and spend some time teaching and practicing with them. That way, he would gain experience and they would gain skills.
Jan 18, 2013 - rita
scouter paul that sounds like a good idea maybe we can work on that @ our next meeting
Apr 08, 2013 - Carla
Just wondering if T-ball counts as baseball? My son will be playing t-ball this year and it seems pretty much the same other than the tee.
Apr 09, 2013 - Scouter Paul
Carla - That sounds reasonable to me. It's organized baseball with a set of rules, rather than just sandlot ball.
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