Dirty Socks - Version 2 Skit
This Skit has gross parts.
4 scouts
1 large can full of water
big spoon
socks or underwear
1 large can full of water
big spoon
socks or underwear
Place the can and spoon in the center of the stage with the socks in the can.
Scout 1: (stirring pot) la-de-da. ... hmmm, I hear nature calling, gotta go. (exits stage left)
Scout 2: (enters stage right and walks to can. smells the aroma ) Mmmm, camp soup smells pretty good today. Cookie won't mind if I try it. (takes a sip with the spoon ) Boy, that's good. I can't wait for lunch!
Scout 3: (same thing) Mmm, good soup!
Scout 4: (same thing) Mmm, good soup!
Scout 1: (enters stage left. Stirs pot. ) La-de-da.
Scout 2,3,4: (enter stage right together) Hey, Cookie, great soup! Yeah, really flavorful! What kind of soup is it?
Scout 1: Soup? I'm not cooking soup! (as he lifts the socks high out of the pot with his spoon and wrings them out)
Other people ham it up by acting overly sick, of course. :-)
Scout 2: (enters stage right and walks to can. smells the aroma ) Mmmm, camp soup smells pretty good today. Cookie won't mind if I try it. (takes a sip with the spoon ) Boy, that's good. I can't wait for lunch!
Scout 3: (same thing) Mmm, good soup!
Scout 4: (same thing) Mmm, good soup!
Scout 1: (enters stage left. Stirs pot. ) La-de-da.
Scout 2,3,4: (enter stage right together) Hey, Cookie, great soup! Yeah, really flavorful! What kind of soup is it?
Scout 1: Soup? I'm not cooking soup! (as he lifts the socks high out of the pot with his spoon and wrings them out)
Other people ham it up by acting overly sick, of course. :-)
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